Monday, December 4
This is what Im talking about!! Take that, all ya UnBees!
"Oh, is that so? Tell me..." replies God.
"Well, " says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of You and breathe life into it, thus creating man."
"Well, that's interesting! Show Me."
So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.
"Oh no, no, no..." interrupts God, "Get your own dirt!"
What ya think!!?
SEE Ya Soon!
Tuesday, October 31
Sunday, October 29
Monday, October 16
This is whats up!! This is what Im talking about!!
Im not gonna say nothing the Man of God said it all!! Thats is for today!
One, Les!
Tuesday, October 10
It's been a minute...
1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
4. The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you. " - Amy Scott(i think..?)
Makes ya think right??
See ya soon!
One, Les!
Wednesday, September 13
Just continuing my posting of random excerpts! Something I found interesting...
Prostrate in a form of worship. Not what we see today in "slayings".
All these "falling down'' experiences described in the Bible occur facedown. Bowing down in a facedown manner is an act of worship. The Psalmist says: "Come, let us bow down in worship'' (Psalm 95:6a NIV).
An example: Ezekiel falls facedown when he saw the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord (Ezekiel 1:28) [author's emphasis].
Other examples of falling facedown: Abram (Genesis 17:3), Moses (Exodus 34:8), Aaron and Moses (Numbers 16:22,45 and 20:6), Balaam (Numbers 22:31), Joshua (Joshua 5:14), Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20:18), the people of Israel (Leviticus 9:24, 2 Chronicles 7:3, Nehemiah 8:6), David (1 Chronicles 21:16), Ezekiel (3:23, 9:8, 11:13, 43:3, 44:4), Daniel (8:17,18, 10:9,15), Peter, James and John (Matthew 17:6), women at the tomb (Luke 24:5), angels, the twenty-four elders and four living creatures (Revelation 7:11, 11:16).
"When he mentioned the ark of God, Eli fell backward off his chair by the side of the gate. His neck was broken and he died (1 Samuel 4:18a NIV).
"So then, the word of the Lord to them will become: ... so that they will go and fall backward, be injured and snared and captured (Isaiah 28:13 NIV).
"When Jesus said, `I am he,' they drew back and fell to the ground'' (John 18:6 NIV).
If the first instance was part of judgment on the house of Eli, the second instance is God's judgment on the people of Israel who refused to listen to His instructions. The third instance is the falling of soldiers when they came to arrest Jesus. It is very clear from the words used that they did NOT fall forward.
So, in the Bible falling backward is pictured as a sign of God's judgement rather than an act of worship.
I got this from this website:
You decide what's proper.
You know I will be back!
One, Les!
Tuesday, September 12
Continuation to yesterday's post!
Jonathan Edwards Was a Slave Owner
We hear a lot of good things about Edwards and these are no doubt encouraging and helpful to our faith as Christians. But rarely do we hear the negative things about Edwards, and if we do they are typically secondary issues. Certainly however, there is a more serious concern with the life of Edwards. Unfortunately, history reveals to us this whole issue of Edwards and slavery.[1] The truth is - Edwards owned slaves until the day he died. What’s more is that he was not ambivalent about this idea/practice of owning slaves because he owned them his whole life and seemed to be quite happy in that position.
God in his sovereignty always plans for events to occur. How we understand these events and their implications is a question that must be dealt with from the overarching reality of God’s complete sovereign hand. God is in control of men, events, the forces of evil that take place in this world – even slavery. Nevertheless, evil is not justified because God is sovereign.
Therefore there is this mysterious working of God in the midst of evil. God sovereignly decrees that an event take place through the agency of wicked men. What is perplexing is how God can will/desire for an even to take place in his will of decree and at the same time justly punish and condemn man for participating in an act that is contrary to his will of command, namely, what is outlined in the scriptures about how we should live and conduct ourselves. The prime example of this is the crucifixion of the Son of God. We know from Acts 4 that is was “according to the definite plan of God” that Christ was crucified. But in the same context it is stated that “lawless men” crucified the son of God.
If we really want to know Edwards the whole man, the whole person we must live with him, and see him not only in all of his glories but also in all of his faults. It may be that in some ways we have not come to truly know Edwards the man because we have not gotten to know Edwards in the context of his weaknesses and deficiencies, not least of which was his owning of slaves. Edwards was a slave owner.
Before we can speak of Edwards and slavery we must not follow our tendency which is to remove Edwards from his context and put him in our context and immediately condemn him as a wicked slave owner. We must try to understand the issue of Edwards owning slaves in the midst of his own historical context. Doing this is not an attempt to absolve Edwards of sin, but rather charitable approach to understanding just how Edwards, given his culture and context, could have been involved with slavery.
What exactly did Edwards believe about slavery? In short: He not only condoned slavery, but condemned slave trading. The only published document we have on Edwards and slavery is a letter he wrote in defense of a pastor named Benjamin Doolittle defending his owning of slaves. What George Marsden points out in his biography on Edwards is that it is unbelievable that Edwards in his vehemence against Arminianism and the Anti-Awakening movement, he nevertheless came to the defense and aid of both an Arminian and a pastor who openly opposed the awakening. Why? Benjamin Doolittle was on the verge of being removed from his office as minister of the gospel because he owned slaves. His church, and those surrounding him felt that he had forfeited the right to be a minister of the gospel in part because he owned slaves. Edwards was asked to come to his defense. Therefore, Edwards wrote a letter defending Doolittle. In this letter he attempts to provide a justification for the owning of slaves.
For Edwards this was a theological compromise. In other contexts Benjamin Doolittle would have been a staunch foe of Edwards for his erroneous theology and unorthodoxy. Thus, it is striking that Edwards comes to the defense (of all people) this man.
Obviously much more can and should be said about this issue. The goal of this blog, however, is simply to introduce some of us to another side of Edwards. While I appreciate Edwards so much I also know that he was a fallen individual who had some serious inconsistencies in his life. In some ways, I can understand both historically and contextually how Edwards could have owned slaves. Nevertheless, he is not to be commended or defended in this practice. I thank God for what we can learn from the life of Edwards, both the good and the bad.
[1] Historical information gathered from the work of Sherard Burns in his essay, Trusting the Theology of a Slave Owner in A God Entranced Vision of All Things: John Piper & Justin Taylor, Crossway Books: 2004.
One, c'ya!
Monday, September 11
Interesting Figures in Church History!
Be encouraged!
John Wesley (a contemporary of Mr Edwards) and Charles Spurgeon were both known for their outspoken opposition to the Atlantic Slave Trade. Spurgeon is said to have spoken out so storngly against it that his semrons stopped being published in the 'states! Check out these powerful words:
John Wesley Thoughts On Slavery, published in 1774:
"[To the captains employed in this trade] may I speak plainly to you? I must. Love constrains me; love to you, as well as to those you are concerned with. Is there a God? You know there is. Is he a just God? Then there must be a state of retribution; a state wherein the just God will reward every man according to his works. Then what reward will he render to you? O think betimes! Before you drop into eternity! Think now, "He shall have judgment without mercy that showed no mercy."
Are you a man? Then you should have an human heart. But have you indeed? What is your heart made of? Is there no such principle as compassion there? Do you never feel another's pain? Have you no sympathy, no sense of human woe, no pity for the miserable? When you saw the flowing eyes, the heaving breasts, or the bleeding sides and tortured limbs of your fellow-creatures, was you a stone, or a brute? Did you look upon them with the eyes of a tiger? When you squeezed the agonizing creatures down in the ship, or when you threw their poor mangled remains into the sea, had you no relenting? Did not one tear drop from your eye, one sigh escape from your breast? Do you feel no relenting now? If you do not, you must go on, till the measure of your iniquities is full. Then will the great God deal with you as you have dealt with them, and require all their blood at your hands. And at "that day it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah than for you!" But if your heart does relent, though in a small degree, know it is a call from the God of love. And "to-day, if you will hear his voice, harden not your heart." To-day resolve, God being your helper, to escape for your life. Regard not money! All that a man hath will he give for his life! Whatever you lose, lose not your soul: Nothing can countervail that loss. Immediately quit the horrid trade: At all events, be an honest man."
See also, John Wesley's last letter before he died, sent to anti-slavery campagner, and fellow saint, William Wilberforce.
Charles Spurgeon, sermon entitled Separating the Precious From the Vile preached in March 1860:
"But now I have a very sad thing to say—I wish that I could withhold it, but I cannot. Unless, brothers and sisters, you make it your daily business to see that there is a difference between you and the world, you will do more hurt than you can possibly do good. The Church of Christ is at this day accountable for many fearful sins. Let me mention one which is but the type of others. By what means think you were the fetters rivetted on the wrist of our friend who sits there, a man like ourselves, though of a black skin? It is the Church of Christ that keeps his brethren under bondage; if it were not for that Church, the system of slavery would go back to the hell from which it sprung. If there were no slave floggers but men who are fit for so degrading an office; if there were not found Christian ministers who can apologise for slavery from the pulpit, and church members who sell the children of nobler beings than themselves—if it were not for this, Africa would be free. Albert Barnes spoke right truly when he said slavery could not exist for an hour if it were not for the countenance of the Christian Church.
But what does the slaveholder say when you tell him that to hold our fellow-creatures in bondage is a sin, and a damnable one, inconsistent with grace? He replies “I do not believe your slanders; look at the Bishop of So-and-so, or the minister of such-and-such a place, is not he a good man, and does not he whine out ‘Cursed be Canaan?’ Does not he quote Philemon and Onesimus? Does he not go and talk Bible, and tell his slaves that they ought to feel very grateful for being his slaves, for God Almighty made them on purpose that they might enjoy the rare privilege of being cowhided by a Christian master. Don’t tell me,” he says, “if the thing were wrong, it would not have the Church on its side.”
And so Christ’s free Church bought with his blood, must bear the shame of cursing Africa, and keeping her sons in bondage. From this evil, good Lord deliver us. If Manchester merchants and Liverpool traders have a share in this guilt, at least let the Church be free of this hell-filling crime. Men have tried hard to make the Bible support this sum of all villanies, but slavery, the thing which defiles the Great Republic such slavery is quite unknown to the Word of God, and by the laws of the Jew; it was impossible that it ever could exist. I have known men quote texts as excuses for being damned, and I do not wonder that men can find Scripture to justify them in buying and selling the souls of men."
No doubt when Jesus met messrs. Welsey and Spurgeon, He said to each of them, "Well done good and faithful servant." They had the opportunity to stand up and speak out against evil, and they did so with gusto.
Consider these when testing the Scripures:
Sound principles to identify sound doctrine:
1. Absolute Authority of Scripture
2. Consistent (not "wooden") Grammatical - Historical Interpretation of Scripture
3. Sound Logic
4. Historical Precedent in the Early Church
One, Les!
Share my heart and share my burden!
To Him who is able to keep us!
Wednesday, September 6
It's the message, not the messenger!
It's the message, not the messenger!
If you're wise you'll focus on the message, not the messenger. 'But shouldn't leaders set a good example; shouldn't they be called to a higher standard?' Yes, those entrusted with great responsibility experience greater correction. But God does that not; you. Though King Saul repeatedly tried to kill David, David realised God had chosen Saul. When he'd a golden opportunity to take Saul's life, David said, 'The Lord forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the Lord's anointed...' (1 Samuel 26:11 KJV). This may come as a shock; God has no perfect messengers. So He uses what He's got. And many of them are still struggling in certain areas. They're being developed even while they're delivering the message God wants you to hear. A perfect word from imperfect lips; that's how God does it. Samuel led
Monday, August 21
Callin a Spade a Spade
I found this very informative and simple in essense! See ya soon!
Look, let's just call names-people get mad at Kerry (Black Calvinist) because they feel he presents his knowledge of the scriptures in a prideful way...he makes people feel bad by coming at them-and at times CRUSHING-the way they think and feel and NOBODY wants for their way of belief to be attacked. That's understood and well noted (trust me, Kerry knows this)
Let's not be fooled into thinking we're all supposed to be good little Christians who never correct anybody. Plain and simple, the way that some of us think here is WRONG and it's backed up by a book GOD left us. It's called the bible. If you chose to IGNORE and not FOLLOW this book and come up with a way of thinking that goes AGAINST it, we not only have a RIGHT, but we have a DUTY to correct.
Now, how should we correct?
In love.
Does it always happen?
But that doesn't mean we just do away with doctrine and Theology and say "well...I like so and so and because so and so believes this way-even though it BLATANTLY goes against Scripture and what the 1st century saints believed-I can accept him and his faulty theology for the sake of unity and non division" becuz that is actually more dangerous than confronting the brother or sister.
Why you ask?
Because if a brother believes wrong, that means when others come and ask him about his own beliefs, he will instruct another WRONG, which can cause someone to stumble.
Yes, it's just that serious yall. Let's not just turn into people who accept whoever, whatever, whenever just so we can say we're all united. This unity CAN be achieved, but it probably won't be until Jesus gets here. Get used to it.
May God be glorified...
Thursday, August 10
A Baptist Dog
The owner brought the dog to meet the pastor and his wife. "Fetch the Bible," he commanded.
The dog bounded to the bookshelf, scrutinized the books, located the Bible, and brought it to the owner.
"Now find Psalm 23," he commanded.
The dog dropped the Bible to the floor, and showing marvelous dexterity with his paws, leafed through and finding the correct passage, pointed to it with his paw.
The pastor and his wife were very impressed and purchased the dog.
That evening, a group of church members came to visit. The pastor and his wife began to show off the dog, having him locate several Bible verses. The visitors were very impressed.
One man asked, "Can he do regular dog tricks, too?"
"I haven't tried yet," the pastor replied.
He pointed his finger at the dog. "HEEL!" the pastor commanded. The dog immediately jumped on a chair, placed one paw on the pastor's forehead and began to howl.
The pastor looked at his wife in shock and said, "Good Lord! He's Pentecostal!"
See Ya
One, Les!
Wednesday, August 9
Interesting Quote, more to come...
Free Sermon in Audio:
Paul Washer
Tim Conway
C.H. Spurgeon
Andrew Murray
A.W. Tozer
Just to name a few!
See Ya Soon!
One, Les!
Thursday, July 27
Dancing without Music?
Check it out, and be on the lookout for the return of my Blog!
"Hearing God’s Music
by Max Lucado
Let's imagine that you want to learn to dance. Being the rational,cerebral person you are, you go to a bookstore and buy a book on dancing.You take the book home and get to work.
Finally, you think you’ve got it, and you invite your wife to come in and watch. You hold the book open and follow the instructions step by step. You even read the words aloud so she’ll know that you’ve done your homework. “Lean with your right shoulder,” and so you lean. “Now step with your right foot,” and so you step. “Turn slowly to the left,” and
so you do.
You continue to read, then dance, read, then dance, until the dance is completed. You plop exhausted on the couch, look at your wife, and proclaim, “I executed it perfectly.”
“You executed it, all right,” she sighs. “You killed it.”
“You forgot the most important part. Where is the music?”
You never thought about music. You remembered the book. You learned the rules. You laid out the pattern. But you forgot the music.
“Do it again,” she says, putting in a CD. “This time don’t worry about the steps; just follow the music.”
She extends her hand and the music begins. The next thing you know, you
are dancing—and you don’t even have the book.
We Christians are prone to follow the book while ignoring the music. We
master the doctrine, outline the chapters, memorize the dispensations, debate the rules, and stiffly step down the dance floor of life with no music in our hearts. We measure each step, calibrate each turn, and flop into bed each night exhausted from another day of dancing by the book.
Dancing with no music is tough stuff. "
One, Les
See ya soon!
Monday, June 5
one of my favorite songs right now!
Hey click above to listen to one of my fav songs!
One, Les!
Thursday, June 1
Just a short one, and Link!
Check that out, it's kinda crazy! Yet somewhat admirable? As crazy as it may sound!
See ya lays!
Tuesday, May 23
I am enjoying the benefits of being a stay at home dad! It isn't the easiest job, but it sure has it's rewards, and the fruits of my labor will show in their future, thats for sure!
We are pretty much all settled in, only a few things that need to be stored, a frame or two here and there! I enjoy the neighborhood we are living in, it's chill enough to roll incoqnito, and its also live enough to get rolling! Nah'mean?
Anyhow, we got a dog, a puppy, he's very cute and we got for a couple weeks now, what is it, 2 weeks I think? I will post pictures of the pup, it's a American Staffordshire Bull Terrier and his name is Spirit, after an old family pet who also was a dog.

Well thats whats going on in my life, I hope you guys the best and I hope to talk, holla or link up with you guys soon! Luv ya, see ya soon!
Remeber Jesus is still Lord and Nothing has changed, he is risen, and the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever More!! God Bless ya, and Im praying for ya! Pray For a bunch of Projects that I will be hopefully getting started! Layz!
One, L! to the O, V, E!
Wednesday, May 3
Im moved in, settling and we are excited!
I wanted to post a brief blog about the success of our move, well let me tell you that it was a complete success, if you have been following my prior posting you know that this past weekned was a busy weekend for us all! The drive into NY on Friday was successful, I droped the kids off and picked up my Sister, Brother in Law, Uncles, and cousin. We got back to RI around midnight, and I went to sleep around 4:30am, last minute details you know! During this time My sister in Law Teresa was already in RI helping my Wife with last minute packing, and they did a great job, this had to be one of the most successful moves we have done in 5 yrs, and we have moved quite a few times already!
Anyways, we had a friend, Jerry from RI come out to help, he was such a blessing, he took his day off, away from his kids and wife to help us, we are grateful to him, and we ask God to bless him and his family abundantly, actually that is our desire and request for all those who helped us out that day!
We started by 9am or so, we fully completed everything, and were on our way by 1pm. Arrived at NY by 4pm and were done by 5:30-6pm. We had another uncle come out to help us, when we arrived. My boy Tom came by with his wife Fann, and they were soooo helpful too! We truly thank God for them, and eveybody that came to gives us a helping hand! My Brother in law, Eddie, and My other Boy Chin came by, we were overwhelmed by the Love and help we received that day! We know thatwe are blessed and God gets all the glory for that!!
I want to acknowledge eveyone that helped by name! Teresa, thank you for taking time off to help us out, you were a crucial help in our preps! We hope God blesses your ministry, continue the good work and seek! My sister Alicia and her husband John, You guys are soooo awesome, we ask for an overwhelming outpour on your future and STEP OUT, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!! My Uncle Will and Carlos, and my Cousin Sergio you guys were definitely heaven sent and we love you guys and ask God to bless you all abundantly, we had a great time, laughing, ordering and hauling each other around!! Thank you, we couldn't have done it without you guys!! Alicia, John we are here to help you when you guys move to Mia!! Jerry, we love you and your family, keep in touch and we hope to see ya soon!
Tom, Fanny I honestly didn't expect ya, you know fanny I thought Tom was pulling my leg when he said he was going to be there!! Tom, Lets win them souls for Christ, we in here and we cant be stopped, All for the Glory and magnification of the Kingdom of CHRIST our Rock! Lets get them ideas rollling!
Eddie, Thanks for coming by, and Hey the effort is worth far more than a No Show! Thank you, may God bless you and your Family! Thank you Glenys for letting your hubby step away and help us out!!
Chin, Thank you for putting the bed together along with Eddie, It doesn't Sqeak guys, Hmm!! Yo, Jesus is gonna bless you and yours, lets fellowship fam!
Lastly and not least, for sure! Mom thank you for cleaning our apartment we could not have done it without you and we are so grateful for that. You did a great job, and we pray for you daily! Thank you for the home cooked meal that Iwas so against you preparing! It was the best!! We all loved it, hey everybody My mom is the best cook in the world!
Lala Y Lolo gracias por cuidar nuestro hijos, ellos no podian estar en mejores manos!! Muchas Gracias!! Q'Dios los bendigan!
Lydia, I know you were working, we missed you, but thanks for the help on Sunday!
Junior, Thank you, and dont forget what I said, I mean it, and take advantage of me, Im here for your support!
Lynnette, Thank you we love and you were so helpful, we thank Jesus for you, we Hope you have a great Birthday, and a blessed life!
Sadid, yo se q'usted no estaba en condiciones para alludar, pero si fue alluda, y Gracias!
Lastly, and surely not the least for real, for real.
To my wife, Carmen, we did it, and I have to acknowledge all the hard work you put in, Babe you were awesome, and diligent. God has a huge reward for, which in turn blesses me too! Babe, keep the faith and know that God is faithful, graceful and merciful. He is our strength intimes of need, and He is our sustainer, without him we are NOTHING! Remember in heaven we have crowns that are fitted!! Fitted with Gems, precious stones and jewels on them! Babe you are a diamond in the making!!!
If I missed anyone, sorry, I meant to put you right here in this section.
I just wanted to say that
WE are here for you all!
Hey lets win them souls for ya who know what I mean, the rest of ya keep grinding but remember He rules!!
Jesus Loves ya all!
One Les, and fam!!
Thursday, April 27
An Update for me Familia!
How you doing Chin? You good today, nice to hear that! How's the Family!!?
How you doing Mark? Well Brother we're praying for you, and God is faithful!!
Hey, how are you Serge? I hope you are well, and God is bringing you closer to him daily!!
Hey Teresa, I hear you may be coming out early tomorrow, thats great!! See ya then.
Sorry, I cant greet everyone, but Im saying hello to all, we'll talk later!
Anyways, enough of the intros, I have good news, great news and extraordinary news, you decypher them, k!?
Ok, remember I was telling you guys about the Job situation for Carmen, well she got the Job she wanted, Congratulations baby!! She got a real good Job, she is going to be working with Albert Einstein Mental Health Department, Yay!! Good pay, good position, good timing, God is soooooo Good!
Secondly, we are almost done with all of our packing, we are actually doing real good as far as packing, Carmen has been working overtime, being that I have been at work during the day, and she was done at her job last Friday!
Everything so far is going too smoothly to be true? Well, I know that the fun has yet to come. Anyhow, I have a long weekend ahead, and it starts Friday at 1pm.
Anything else, let me see, all I have to say is that I am truly grateful to God, for all His Provisions, Grace and Mercy!
I want to share this poem, it was written by an unknown sister in the Lord, I take no credit for this remarkable work of creativity and expression:
Thursday, April 20
I have been a Bad Host!!
I just abandon you in my home, I start a conversation and rudely walk away and neglect all of yous!!
Im such a bad host, bad Host Lester!
Im sorry guys, alot has happened since we last spoke, we have been very busy and preparing for our move on the 29th of April!
Like I mentioned before we found an apartment in Yonkers, and Carmen has almost secured a job, she has had 3, I believe 3 Job offers but she is waiting on a particular Agency affiliated with Albert Einstein Hospital, thats the job she really wants, and we know and trust that it will all work out! So far every Interview she has gone to has offered her the job, but when you are a hot commodity like my wife, you get to choose where and how much you want, now all this in retrospect to what God wants for us, of course!!
So now it's a week before we move and we need help packing, we just dont know where to start? We put our books away in boxes, but everything else is like stuff that we need until we move?? Man we are experts at this moving stuff by now, but we cant get packing!! Im scheduled to work till the day before we move and I have to wear a suit to work everyday, boy I aint gonna miss that!! So I have to leave the suits out right?? We have kids, they need their toys, otherwise they will be bored to death!! We need to eat so the food cant be packed away yet!
We need help! We are tired, exhausted, Carmen has had to make last minute trips to New York for interviews and things like that, and its tough keeping the house stright with the kids around, so we have a mess, and we need to pack!! Feel me! Ahh, Im just venting family, I just need to let this out, we will be ok, and we will be fine, we will be ready for next Saturday, and Everything will turn out just fine, God is on our side! He will give us strength!
I forgot to mention that I will heading into NY on Friday right after work, and drop off the kids with their Grandparents, Pick up my moms, uncle, cousin, sister and brother in law that same evening and head back to RI, so they can be at my house in the morning to help us move! Sounds like a nice smooth day, but Im soooo grateful to all of them for their willingness to come out the prior night to help us move, I thank Jesus for them all!!
Ok, im signing off guys, there is more but let me procrastinate! Just kidding, there is more but I dont want to bore you, and let you hear me complain and rant about MY LiFE!
See ya! Luv yA, Smell ya soon!
Hey I added a link to my site lists of friends and cool links, (on the bottom right scroll down to links):
Hey visit my friends links too!!
I added "Free Christian Mixtape Downloads" Check it out, great music, and its free downloads!! Smell ya!
Monday, March 27
WHATS GOING ON!!! I have been extremely busy at work so...
I have great news!
This weekend we took a trip to New York for various reasons:
1. Carmen had a Job interview in Beacon NY, it went well, however she didnt feel that it was going to a perfect fit, but the interview went on for close to 2 hours, that to me sounds like a good interview, right??
Anyways, Carmen is an asset to any place that would hire her, she is definitely a "HOT COMMODITY"!!
And Im not just saying that because she's my wife, she possesses excellent work ethics, and her commitment to get the job done is supperb! She is gifted for the area in which she chose for a career, and being a spanish speaking person only adds to her strengths. Being a Christian makes her 100% better at what she does (Whic is Master's Level Licensed Clinical Social Worker).
And again as we were looking at apartments in the Orange County, New York area, Carmen gets in contact with her fromer Bronx Employer, where she worked before we came to Rhode Island, and it happens that they are looking for an Assistant Director in the Social Workers Dept. Anyhow, getting to the meat of it, they are interested in re-hiring Carmen for that position and the pay is wonderful. The job is like 98% hers.
2. We went apartment hunting in Walden, Beacon, Newburgh, Marlboro, Maybrook, Middletown, Bloomingburg, Peekskill, Ossining, and finally Yonkers. We must have seen 15-20 apartments from Friday to Sunday! Finally it was really tough to decide, we loved these condos in Middletown, man we really liked them, but 1.5 hr commute from the Bronx to Middletown can take a toll on a person, we decided on an apartment in Yonkers in the north Yonkers section, really nice neighborhood and the apartment was awesome, in a thirteen family building!
We are heading back to NY, MAY 1st, the apartment is I would say 75% ours. We are waiting for the Landlord to check our credit and references, which we have no doubt that will come up superb. We have an excellent track record.
Anyhow, we are excited that we are going back to the NY! It feels good to know that we are going back HOME!! WE are not of this world, and we are not of Rhode Island also!
So we are taking all the volunteers that we can to help us move, we need ya help either here in Rhode Island or in Yonkers when we arrive! So sign up the sheet is going around!
Hey, remember the LORD's Hand is upon us, and we are coming back STRONG!!
Tuesday, March 21
Hey an update to a story I posted before in one of...
Love ya
This is an update on those Missionaries that were framed in India, accused of murdering a child.
Read on...
Dear Mr. Kyne,I have wonderful news to report to you today: Because of the prayers of God's people all around the world, our missionary in Rajasthan, India, has been released from jail!When a little child in Pastor Kasota's community died after suffering a lengthy illness, the pastor and several members of his church were framed for murder by Hindu fundamentalists. As soon as we heard of their arrest, we asked you and other members of our GFA family to intercede for their freedom. And the Lord has been so faithful to answer. Pastor Kasota and these Christians still need our prayers. Although they have been released, their court case continues.
Click here to read the full story: us also pray for Pastor Kasota's ministry to be increasingly effective in this area of India, and that his persecutors will come to personally know the love of Jesus. We must always recognize that in our labors to reach the lost, "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood" (Ephesians 6:12). I am so very grateful for your partnership with us at Gospel for Asia. Through your prayers, you are helping spread the Gospel to remote and sometimes hostile regions where the name of Jesus is not yet known.
May the Lord bless you.
Yours for the unreached,
K.P. Yohannan
Founder & President
Gospel for Asia
Friday, March 3
Part 3! My Testimony!
When I last left off we had just had an encounter with that baglady at the Beach in Ft. Lauderdale, and we went back home a bit perplexed, yet life went on, and we shortly forgot about that encounter, but it was still in the back of our minds.
About the third week in Miami, I found a job working at a store equivalent to Macy's, it was called Burdines of Florida, it was an awesome store, and I worked the Visual Display Department, I loved my Job, and I was the only straight male on the whole Visual Display Team, and there was 15 staff members on the team, and 2 were females. My job involved various and multiple tasks, from setting up specialty shops, promotions (Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, many different name labels) cosmetics, and fragrances (I got to meet Oscar D'Larenta, he wanted my hair for some odd reason, I think he had water in the canoe too!) dressing up manequins, coming up with creative concepts, our job was to make everthing appealing to the eyes, we were also a flaqship and prototype store, that meant that we got alot of creative liberties, and the best budget to advertise!
Moving along, I began to become very bored in Miami, I believe that when I first got the job I didnt have a car, so I couldnt do much, and my sis was always out, and my brother was into video games, hanging bumming out. I got really disinterested quick, and I wanted to smoke more, but I didnt know where to get it. I had introduced my brother to MaryJane a few years back, and he really didnt have any connex. So I was sad. I met this lady, who had demonstarted an interest in me (she being from New York also), she was older, and I was not interested in her at all, but I didnt have much friends, so her friendship was reciprocated. She had a son, and he became my smoking buddy, in fact, it was kinda ackward, cause I wasnt interested in his mom at all, and his mom used to tell him that she dug me. Weird, but hey I wanted to get high, and they had the connex.
About this time, maybe like 6 weeks into living in Miami, my dad and I bought a car, I saved up enough money to pay for more than half and my dad helped me out, I bought my first car, a Nissan 300ZX two seater, a sports car, it was an old car, but it was in mint condition, and we got a good deal on it. I was one happy camper, oh I forgot to mention that around this time I also moved in with my dad to Hialeah. Interesting time, Alice knows!
Ok, so now I have a good paying job, because I came from New York, and I had some prior experience working Visual Display, they upped my pay, and I was chilling! I had a car, I could get around, and I was getting my smoke on, and then I started to go clubbing, coming from that environment, being a club promoter in New York and all. I also bumped into an old friend, let's call him Crazy Rob. (Chin the moment you have been waiting for!) Actually, my boy Chin, you know him as Alex, told me that Crazy Rob lived in Kendall, and I was like yo, I know Kendall, my sis lives there. So I get up with C-Rob. C-Rob had his own crib, a nice crib too, the complex had a Gym, pool, game room, and many other things. Rob had a two bedroom apartment, and he had just broken up with his girlfriend, or something like that, I never quite got the whole story right. But, Rob was an interesting character. Rob had a nice whip (Car) I think it was a BMW or something like it, but the problem was that his license was suspended, and I didnt know why, I didnt really care, but at this point I was a bit happy to have found some kind of remnant from the past, a friend: Crazy Rob.
C-Rob was very meticulous and liked things a certain way, I used to crash at his crib alot cause we used to hang out late, clubing and all, and He supposedly used to go to school, more on that to come. Rob also used to come home loaded with mad cash at times, he used to show it to me, and it was alot of cash. Oh, I forgot to mention that I somewhat became Rob's chauffer. Rob had this raspy voice, and for some odd reason he didnt like to tell people that he was Dominican, he used to insist to tell people that he was Italian, oh and by the way he didnt look Dominican, he was fair skin and he could get away with saying that he was Italian, heh.
Rob was into material things and making money, I was into being happy, and just chilling, money was and still isnt an aspiration for me. I just want to live with peace. So Rob used to bug out, really bug out. For some reason he rubbed people the wrong way, girls in Miami werent too found of him, he used to have that "it's your lost mentality", and it wasnt working. Im not the most handsome fellow in the world but hey I "had" game. But Rob was responcible for alot of lonely nights, Just the Two of us!
Hey, I don't realize how long, and detailed my Testimony is, so once again I have to say I will continue later!
Remember that was the past, and today I am a new creature in Christ!!
See ya and I love ya, and have a good weekend!! Mi Gente!!
JESUS loves ya!
One, Les
Yo chin you better comment!
Hey keep em coming peeps!
Thursday, March 2
Sorry guys! It takes time to be on top of the blog, and I have to be more consistent I admit!! I left ya hanging, right?
I apologize for not being on top of my postings!!
Anyhow how has everyone been? I hope you guys have so far had a great week, and I want to address a particular person whom responded to my Blog:
Dear Discouraged Reader, I am so sorry for not following up to your message earlier, I will definitely make it my business to check comments more often, I actually try, but like I mentioned before I had been very busy this week. Thank you for reading, and I hope you continue to visit my Blog, and like always feel free to comment and contribute!!
I will leave you guys with a little challenge if I may call it that, they are actually called Stereograms, I have always loved these pictures, basically they are hidden pictures within other picture, they seem to pop out like 3-D!
The trick is cross your eyes, stare, and move closer or back until you can make out the inner image, Good Luck!
Enjoy! Here are a few:
An easy one, For you ocean lovers! See it? I do!!
This one is cool, a little more difficult to see, lets see if you can see it!
This is one my favs, a little more challenging, lets see if it becomes yours!
Aight I hope you guys had some fun with these!! I will see ya tomorrow, and I will definitely finish my Testimony!!
See Ya, Love Ya!
One, Les!
I covet your comments, I'm a needy dude! Spoil Me!!
Friday, February 24
I got this from a friend who is personal friends with the person who sent it, and wrote the letter, and also knows the people involved in this tragedy!
[GFA Emergency Update] Believers Framed for Murder------------------------------------------------------February 22, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------
Dear Mr. Kyne,
One of our Gospel for Asia native missionaries and several other believers are in jail today because of a radical Hindu plot to frame them for the murder of a child!Even as the open persecution of Christians in India continues to increase, this is a new low in the efforts of these extremists to stop the spread of the Gospel.
Now, more than ever, powerful prayer is needed to battle this spiritual evil!The 16-month-old child was suffering from a prolonged illness and was under medical care near Udaipur, Rajasthan. Because the parents had quarreled with the pastor's family over some land, when the child died the radical Hindus saw an opportunity to place the blame on the Christians.Apparently, members of the local Hindu nationalist political party advised the parents to dash their dead child's body against some rocks, breaking its bones.
They then took the body to a doctor for a post-mortem examination.Only after threats from the radical Hindus did the physician reluctantly file a false report, citing murder as the cause. Then the radicals advised the parents to file murder charges against Pastor Kasota and 10 other Believers Church members, including four other pastors, saying the murder was part of a plot to grab land for a church building.My dear friend, this terrible incident is just one more example of how desperate the radical Hindus are in their efforts to stop lost people from hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
As I have said many times before, this is a spiritual battle, and such battles can only be won through prayer and fasting. So I call on you today to pray for these, our Christian brothers and sisters.
Please pray that the accused will be granted bail, and that the police and courts will see through this sinister plot by the radicals.Pray also that God will protect our pastors, their families and church members during this tense time. Pray that this incident will not be a hindrance to the sharing of the Gospel, and that this trap will be used by God for good, according to His purpose.
Thank you for your prayers at this critical time.
K.P. Yohannan
Founder & PresidentGospel for Asia
It's really real!
If Chrsit isn't real, then all these peoplle who are suffering for the sake of Christ, are suffering in vain! When Christ walked the earth, He chose twelve men, ordinary people to live the legacy, these men but two, died martyrs. Did they die for a lie? Would you die for a lie? Now, these Men didnt die fighting, kicking and screaming, they died LOVING! We have a bunch of lunatics today, who are dying for their "so called God" in the name of hate! Jesus did it best, He laid his life for you and me, willingly, THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE! The final sacrifice! Jesus did it in the name of LOVE, He is Love!!
One, Holla!!
Think on these things!
See ya!!
Comments please!
Thursday, February 23
My real continuation to MY TESTIMONY, SORRY for delay!!
This is how it went she approached us as we were stumbling along the boardwalk, and I really can't recall word for word what she told us but she started to quote scripture and make mention of Getting out of Egypt, Moses or abraham, Im not too sure. But whatever she was saying brought us back to reality, and we stopped to listen to her, and she was truly speaking into our lives, my sister and I at least, we were convicted by what she was saying and shortly after that we bounced back to Miami on home. If I recall correctly the lady was saying something about God using me, keep in mind that at this point I had been going through alot of encounters, but yet I have not made the decision to follow Jesus, I was still skeptical about the whole God thing! I know that what this lady was saying I see it as prophetic, out of all the people on that beach she came to us, and had specifics for us?? As I think back, I remember her saying things like you will be used mightily of God, and that I was going to be a powerful instrument! (Alicia if you recall anything else, please interject, OK?) What I do know is that she was really talking to me personally, and singled me out.
That spooked me in those days, and really caused me to think about my life even more. It also made me think about how real God was, The Bible says that He can take the foolish things of this world to confine the wise. That baglady seems as a foolish thing to many, I was a fool, yet He chose me to be set apart. To bring even those who proclaim to be wise, and know great things, that they truly don't know the basics of this world, that there truly is a Creator who cares about you!
Im sorry, once again I will have to leave you there... Coming soon, The Adventures of Lester, and see Lester come face to face with CRAZY ROB! Who will prevail, who will overcome, watch on the next episode of "My Testimony."
Familia, I love ya, and bare with me, I am at work and I try to make these entries as my day strolls on by. I hope all of you guys are doing good.
I want to ask any and every single one of you guys to make a prayer request, post it on the comments for this posting, and we as a community will lift up these requests, and believe God for whatever it is that we ask.
I will start with my requests:
1. I need wisdom on how to raise my kids! We live in perilous times, and the competition is appealing visually, physically. I want to raise children in the ways of the Lord, yet I dont want to be irrelevant, and I dont want to shelter them to the point of causing them damage, rather than good, feel me. I need wisdom!
2. I want to be a better husband, I want to put my wife's needs before mine, and I want to be selfless when it comes to my treatment to her. The Bible says I ought to love my wife like Christ loves the Church, I want you to understand that If Christ died for the Church, He loved the Church greatly, right! I want to die to myself in demonstration of my love for my wife!! I need help, and God can only do this, I want to put my wife before me, and I want to cultivate her to her fullest potential, Im not doing a good job at this right now my friends, so I ask that you lift this request!!
3. I need wisdom when it comes to financial matters! We are in such a debt, school loans, and credit debts, we need to overcome these obstacles, its hard to progress in these areas!
Thank you, and Im trusting that you will lift these up, The Bible says the prayers of a righteous man accomplishes alot.
Please post your comments, prayer requests, and stay tuned for more!
One, Les!!
Friday, February 17
Check this!!
Hey tell me what you think about this design, be kind, John, My sister's hubby designed this Tattoo design for me! Tell me what ya think!
Don't forget My peoples I Luv YA!
"According to a 2004 Barna/World Vision survey, more evangelicals than ever before expressed strong interest in donating to HIV/AIDS education and prevention. But still, a stunning 59 percent of surveyed evangelicals expressed indifference or were unsupportive of HIV/AIDS causes overseas." - Christianity Today
"HIV/AIDS is the greatest humanitarian emergency in the history of the human family." - Holistic Mission Study Group, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (October 2004)
"The work of Muhammad is based on being honored and the work of Christ is based on being insulted. This produces two very different reactions to mockery. If Christ had not been insulted, there would be no salvation. This was his saving work: to be insulted and die to rescue sinners from the wrath of God." - John Piper,
"I wish he (Jesus) would come in my lifetime so that I could take off my crown and lay it at his feet." - Queen Victoria, from 444 Surprising Quotes About Jesus
Thursday, February 16
Today! I wont be continuing yesterdays Blog...
But I will say this, I will be talking about my experiences in Florida, Miami, Ft, Lauderdale (The Beach where I banged up my sister's car), I will tell you about Crazy Rob, about Jenny, about the Hyper Pentecostal store front Church she went to, about the crazy nights I had out there, and job, and car and apartment over there!! And why I came back, and why my life ia no longer the way it was before I left Miami! Ha!
Have a good one, be safe, and stay away from monkey grease!
One, Les!
Wednesday, February 15
Hallelujah!!! Rejoice with me Familia!! Lio's Home!!
I want to take a few moments to recognize and set the background for why I'm Rejoicing!! The set for my conversion to Christianity was totally orchestrated by the Mighty Hand of God!! There were alot of people involved in the plan, whether they knew it or not! One of my Good friends had converted to Christianity in 1996 or so, his name is Charlie, and along with him one of my cousins (Ivan) seemed to follow, around this time my sister Alicia, was in Guatemala and she received the Lord into her life. Along the way, I was preparing by reading different kinds of literature from the occult, to different religions and agnosticism (the study of knowledge). The reason I sought and was inntrigue by these types of literature, first, I didn't believe in God, and my exposure to anything of God was Catholicism, and every time I went to a Catholic church, I was bored to death and hated every moment of it. I didn't see the point in it, and couldn't understand why anyone could enjoy the Mass. Being that I couldn't see God or feel God, I rejected any concept of it, and to me it was a cop out, to my dismay I cursed God. So when all these people around me were converting, and so called found the "Truth", I was preparing to combat their faith, negate their faith, and provoke doubt in their own faith. Little did I know that there was a greater purpose behind all this exposure. Which brings me to the joy I am currently feeling.
In 1997, I met a bunch of great guys who corporately welcomed me into their home, I had been jumping from home to home, and from bad experience to the next. I left my mom's house sometime in 1993 or so, and I had went through a bunch of different living situations, I lived with my grandma for a few, moved in with different roommates plenty of times. Along the way, having no sense of purpose was a common feeling, depression and psychological dysfunction was my diagnose. I was self medicating myself with Drugs, Alcohol, Girls, and the Night Life. I was working as a club promoter, and held a job at JC Penneys.
So I moved in with these guys, Sammy, Carlos and Lio, back to Yonkers, Linden Ave. At the time I lived in Mt.Vernon in a temporary living situation with this guy named Carlos different than the Carlos I will talk about later (Thank you Carlos wherever you are for sheltering me when I was in need), cause I had a fall out with my prior roommate, who didn't tell me we were getting evicted till a day before we had to leave. I worked at Jc Penneys, and Sammy worked in the same mall Jc Penneys was in, I was talking to the dude and briefly commented on my situation and he offered for me to move in with him and his nephews, Carlos and Lio. I accepted, and of course I paid my share of rent there, they had a three bedroom apartment, I took the living room. I can truly say that my experience with these dudes was unique, these guys had a history of growing up in the church (Pentecostal), what was I getting myself into, I didnt know? Carlos and Lio were brothers, and they were extremely talented (still are) they were musically gifted, and they had this pain, agony and dissatisfaction inside of themselves, they knew something I didnt. Anyhow, they had these songs they did that really hit home with me, they rapped, but it was a unique style something I never heard before, the lyrics were all about pain, and the vainity of this world. To a certain extent I can relate with what they singing and rapping about, they had a few songs called "Why it Happens," "Meaningless," and "Certain Evil." I can relate to these because it expressed a need for purpose, a sense of reality for me at the time, and to this day these songs still minister to me, they are very thought provoking. I forgot to mention that Carlos, Lio and myself, were constantly under the influences of pharmaceuticals (Drugs, ok!,) alcohol, "Demons" and chicks. Another detail I left out, while we had these deep theological and phylosophical dialogues under the medication of our drugs of choice, there were Bibles all over the house, let me tell you we had some serious mood altering sessions, all that we got from our conversations was pain, and I didn't understand why I was feeling this way. Little did I know!
We were soon on our way to hell, great!! In this time living with Sammy & Company, I was confronted with the reality of what God truly meant to some people, and the mood one can be suffering when they forsake God, all this was very untangible to me, yet I somewhat related, even though I had never acknowledge God as my Savior. I remember Carlos and Lio, telling me that I was called, and that I had an understanding that far perceeded that of just anyone. I thought that the Bible was just a book like any other, and I had a good understanding of what I read. Anyhow, we indelved in occult practices, more drugs, and practiced alot of dirt. Our apartment became such a den of darkness, it was evident that we were not right. To our advantage, we established a tight bond with each, after all we all understood each other. It was a sad situation, we had invited the forces of darkness to move in and we were suffering the consequences. Truly no glory to our lifestylees, but I made longlasting relationships with a bunch of guys that to this day, I hold dear to my life. Lio was a soft spoken, smart, excellent understanding of the Bible and talented young fellow, awesome voice sang and rapped. He was caught up, and it was evident. Carlos was the oldest of the brothers, had a tremendous gift for rapping, singing, and lyrics. This dude can provoke the most controversial verse and flip it. I truly enjoyed their company and dialogue. After living with these dudes for 4 or so months, I decided that I couldn't live in this state (literal, in both ways) any longer and so I moved to Florida, and the rest will be continued tomorrow!
As for details I will get into tomorrow, I'm rejoicing because Lio was incarcerated and in prison, he rededicated his life to Jesus. He is dead serious about this new walk, and God is in control. Well Lio was recently released from jail, PRAISE GOD!! I had been praying for my brother for a long time, and he is FREE!! In every sense of the word!!
LIO WELCOME HOME!!! I sent your brother my Phone number, Call me today!!
This is for you specifically, and to all an encouragement:
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Be Encouraged Familia!!! Do your thing LIO!! PRAISE HIM!!
Holla at me fam, check out LIO's comment, check yesterday's posting and comments!!
Greet my Brother, and welcome him back home!!
One, Les!
Monday, February 13
Now on to business!
Hey, we got burried up here in the North!! We must have gotten anywhere between 1.5-2 feet of snow! I love it, I hope we get more snow, Ha Ha Bryant!! You get no snow!! Ha Ha!
Anywayz, I have been really good, Oh, I gotta confess before I get ratted on, I have been cheating on my diet, yesterday I got a Phone call form my good friend Alex, and as I was talking to him, I was eating this AWESOME cheesecake that was sent to us from New York, I mean this cheesecake was soooo awesome, I wish I would've brought some to work, and my boy is like yo you liar, I thought you were on a diet, and the truth is that I have said anything on the Blog about my diet lately, because I havent been completely faithful to it, but I try I really do. Anyhow, Im enjoying this cheesecake and he says I thought you were on a diet, and Im like Bro, this cheesecake is sooo good, I cant resist, and he was like yo Im gonna rat you out tomorrow, so here I am fessing up before I gett ratted on!! I'll get you CHIN!! You'll see, wink wink!!
I have been so intrigue by U2 lately, and I have been doing alot of research and really looking into Bono's faith, and I found out that this guy is trully a converted, Born Again Christian. His views and concepts aren't exactly traditional or persay common Christian views, but I really like that. I truly agree with everything he does, and practices. His focus is on some very basic, yet practical Biblical concepts and principles, that I can't say that we as a Christian communtiy truly neglect. Some of the few things he (Bono) is involved in for example are as the following: AIDS research and aid, and Feeding the poverished. He has a great relationship with our President, who is also Born Again. Bono shared a Homily (Sermon) at a faith based Breakfast with political figures and co. (I will send the link, please check it out) and it was solid truthes and solid burdens, I believe that as Christians if we want to be heard more we are going to have to put our money where our mouth is, some Preach it, but no fruit, others preach and are doers!! I want to be a DOER!!
Check out the links, truly awesome stuff, the first one is a synopsis of the breakfast, keep scrolling down their is a transcript of the sermon Bono shared! I will be sending stuff on U2, here and there so expect them, aight, see ya layta!!
Click Here>>>
Oh, one more thing, I'm also attaching a link to a movie that is coming out, and this movie is limited screenings, so try to find where they will be showing this movie and support PLEASE!!!! This movie wont be shown near me, so if you can check it GO!
Holla back!!