This new Holy Hip Hop site is about to launch, it is innovative, Hot and Jesus Glorfying!
This is my Page on there, its called its a revamped HCR.FM. It got mad potential go check it out and join!
Please watch this clip, ita a bit less than 9 minutes, but it will feed you for the day, WORD!
Paul Washer presenting the Gospel!
Driving at Men's Hearts by Spurgeon
You and I must continue to drive at men’s hearts till they are broken. Then we must keep on preaching Christ crucified until their hearts are bound up.
C'ya soon!
Friday, November 30
Thursday, November 29
Piper on Prosperity Gospel! Forget it this is real!
The realest truth I have heard on the Prosperity gospel, I agree with every word John Piper says in this excerpt, Truth beyond Truth!
I'll be back later today!
While you wait listen to this song!
Frontlynaz "Gunz Down"
Find more music like this on 3HLive
Just because this last on here for today don't neglect!!
And now for J.R.'s E-Card Click Here!!
I'll be back later today!
While you wait listen to this song!
Frontlynaz "Gunz Down"
Find more music like this on 3HLive
Just because this last on here for today don't neglect!!
And now for J.R.'s E-Card Click Here!!
Wednesday, November 28
Preaching Christ and Him Crucified, Generational Curses??
Illnesses are just constructs from our depraved lives after the fall of man. After Adam and Eve sinned, God said your lives would be short upon the earth (Genesis 2:17, 3:15-17). So not only do we grow old and die but we get sick and illnesses were cast upon us. It's just another way for God to get our attention and to focus back to Him. It's not necessarily a curse, but in a sense, it is from the fall. We are cursed to die, the means are numerous though. But thank God we can have life in Christ, even in the midst of our illness. He can even get glory because of it, end up focusing on Him and for Him to provide, maybe not healing, but redemption of our soul and a testimony to others of what God can do, even in our state. Grace and peace.
I like that, we tend to credit the devil for every affliction upon us, yet forget to remember that Job was suggested to satan by the Lord Himself, and therefore He is in control of all. The devil has no victory in our lives, but we really dont believe that, otherwise we wouldn't be crediting every negative situation to him.
Preaching Christ
She is a traitor to the Master who sent her if she is so beguiled by the beauties of taste and are as to forget that to "preach Christ... and Him crucified" is the only object for which she exists among the sons of men. The business of the Church is salvation of souls.
The soul purpose of the Church!
C, Ya!
Monday, November 26
Holy Hip Hop on YouTube
This was featured on YouTube's Featured Section, Jesus glorifying Hip Hop getting some shine on mainstream! Here it goes>>>
Click Here for Source link!
Now for some Master.
Too busy to stop and eat?
The Way of the Master Radio
Now back to our scheduled programing:
The Enemies of the Gospel
Christ has many enemies still in the world. The Pope, the Antichrist of Rome, with all his doctors and counselors, assemble at this very hour — the incarnate Antichrist — at this present moment. And here in this England of ours there are priests busy up and down, in every court and lane, in every corner of the land, and our clergy of the Established Church, many of them double-dyed Papists, doing the work of Rome and eating the bread of a Protestant Church at the same time. And then there is infidelity, seeking all it can to make its converts, with a zeal which were commendable if it were used for a right purpose. They compass sea and land to make proselytes, and shame the coldness of many professed followers of Christ. The enemies of Christ are very many. The Church is very feeble, yea, she is like a reed shaken by the wind. Without her Lord, she is less than nothing — like chaff in the whirlwind. But, oh! let us pray that he may be blessed who cometh in the name of the Lord by the scattering of all his enemies, by the putting down of spiritual wickedness in high places, and giving the victory to the truth and to the gospel — that which saves — putting to flight that which destroys before that which purifies — scattering that which defiles before that which glorifies God, annihilating that which blasphemes his holy name.
OOOHH, Im still chewing ya!
Won, Les
Click Here for Source link!
Now for some Master.
Too busy to stop and eat?
The Way of the Master Radio
Now back to our scheduled programing:
The Enemies of the Gospel
Christ has many enemies still in the world. The Pope, the Antichrist of Rome, with all his doctors and counselors, assemble at this very hour — the incarnate Antichrist — at this present moment. And here in this England of ours there are priests busy up and down, in every court and lane, in every corner of the land, and our clergy of the Established Church, many of them double-dyed Papists, doing the work of Rome and eating the bread of a Protestant Church at the same time. And then there is infidelity, seeking all it can to make its converts, with a zeal which were commendable if it were used for a right purpose. They compass sea and land to make proselytes, and shame the coldness of many professed followers of Christ. The enemies of Christ are very many. The Church is very feeble, yea, she is like a reed shaken by the wind. Without her Lord, she is less than nothing — like chaff in the whirlwind. But, oh! let us pray that he may be blessed who cometh in the name of the Lord by the scattering of all his enemies, by the putting down of spiritual wickedness in high places, and giving the victory to the truth and to the gospel — that which saves — putting to flight that which destroys before that which purifies — scattering that which defiles before that which glorifies God, annihilating that which blasphemes his holy name.
OOOHH, Im still chewing ya!
Won, Les
Tuesday, November 20
Sho Baraka Dropped Today!! Go Support!!
Sho Baraka's Turn My Life Up dropped today, go support click on the link below >>>

or go to and purchase the MP3 digital music!
Click Here >>>
You can sample all the songs on the CD here! Click on Details, and then on the speaker symbol. Make sure you check "Oh my Lord", "Maranatha", and "Catch me at the Brook."
Today's Spurgeon as follows:
Preaching--a Matter of Life and Death
Preaching the gospel is to us a matter of life and death; we throw our whole soul into it. We live and are happy if you believe in Jesus and are saved. But we are almost ready to die if you refuse the gospel of Christ.
Praise the Lord! Life and Death, thats da truth right there!! Thats why we rejoice! Now go chew on that, make it your motto, maybe you can be used!!
or go to and purchase the MP3 digital music!
Click Here >>>
You can sample all the songs on the CD here! Click on Details, and then on the speaker symbol. Make sure you check "Oh my Lord", "Maranatha", and "Catch me at the Brook."
Today's Spurgeon as follows:
Preaching--a Matter of Life and Death
Preaching the gospel is to us a matter of life and death; we throw our whole soul into it. We live and are happy if you believe in Jesus and are saved. But we are almost ready to die if you refuse the gospel of Christ.
Praise the Lord! Life and Death, thats da truth right there!! Thats why we rejoice! Now go chew on that, make it your motto, maybe you can be used!!
Monday, November 19
Some People's Eyes
Whats good? Im chilling had a good weekend of ministry, my wife joined me this weekend at youth group, it was definitely awesome, she gotta definitely do this more often!! I havent gotten personal in a while, and I feel its time for me to start opening up like a book, like I did when I first started this Blog. So in the next few weeks I will be getting real personal. Not just for the fans, Just kidding, but so that my life can be an open testimony to all. I started this Blog with that purpose in mind, and I strayed from doing so. So expect tears, heart wrenching and challenging talk in the very near future.
Now, I want to say that Im not one to glorify any man, but God alone. I saw a clip of this well known Hip Hop Artist, breaking down right before the start of one of his show while on tour. His mom died while on tour, and I pray that this man will be ministered to in this hard time of his life. I dont know what it is to lose a close family member, but I practically lost half my family to a tragedy in our family, that felt like death, my grandmother stroke left her as a different person, with no speech. With that said here's the clip, and afterwards read the nuggets below it!! Love ya! C'Ya soon! Oh you can read and visit my first entries to this blog on the right side are the archives. Oh, and this clip is of Kanye West. Pray for him, I hope we can call on Jesus in this trying time!
Some People's Eyes
I shall never forget one summer afternoon, when I was preaching in a village chapel about the joys of Heaven, that an elderly lady sitting on my right kept looking to me with intense delight. Some people's eyes greatly help the preacher. A telegraph goes on between us. She seemed to say to me, "Bless God for that. How I am enjoying it!" She kept drinking in the truth, and I poured out more and more precious things about the eternal kingdom and the sight of the Well beloved, till I saw what I thought was a strange light pass over her face. I went on, and those eyes were still fixed on me. She sat still as a marble figure, and I stopped and said, "Friends, I think that yon sister over there is dead." They said that it was even so, and they bore her away. She had gone. While I was telling of Heaven, she had gone there; and I remember saying that I wished that it had been my case as well as hers. It was better not, perhaps, for many reasons; but oh, I did envy her! I am always looking for the day when I shall see her again. I shall know those eyes, I am sure I shall.
This isn't your typical happy meal.
Hey babe if you read this>>> I Love you!!
Friday, November 16
The Terror of Death
Oh! how solemn will be that hour when we must struggle with that enemy, Death! The death-rattle is in our throat — we can scarce articulate — we try to speak, the death-graze is on the eye: Death hath put his fingers on those windows of the body, and shut out the light for ever; the hands well-nigh refuse to lift themselves, and there we are, close on the borders of the grave! Ah! that moment, when the Spirit sees its destiny; that moment, of all moments the most solemn, when the soul looks through the bars of its cage, upon the world to come! No, I cannot tell you how the spirit feels, if it be an ungodly spirit, when it sees a fiery throne of judgment, and hears the thunders of Almighty wrath, while there is but a moment between it and Hell. I cannot picture to you what must be the fright which men will feel, when they realize what they often heard of! Ah! it is a fine thing for you to laugh at me to-night. When you go away, it will be a very fine thing to crack a joke concerning what the preacher said, to talk to one another and make merry with all this. But when you are lying on your death-bed, you will not laugh. Now, the curtain is drawn, you cannot see the things of the future, it is a very fine thing to be merry. When God has removed that curtain, and you learn the solemn reality, you will not find it in your hearts to trifle.
Spurgeon Nuggets~
Spurgeon Nuggets~
Wednesday, November 14
Save Some & J.R. Promo, check him out,!!
Talented Artist J.R. His second album is coming out Dec. 25, 2007. In the meantime check out his first album called Metamorphisis, its absolutely FIRE!!
Click on this link >>> Metamorphisis by J.R. to purchase the CD or digital MP3 version!

Save some, O Christians! By all means, save some. From yonder flames and outer darkness, and the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, seek to save some! Let this, as in the case of the apostle, be your great, ruling object in life, that by all means you might save some.
Spurgeon plain and simple!
Now go and save some!
Click on this link >>> Metamorphisis by J.R. to purchase the CD or digital MP3 version!
Save some, O Christians! By all means, save some. From yonder flames and outer darkness, and the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, seek to save some! Let this, as in the case of the apostle, be your great, ruling object in life, that by all means you might save some.
Spurgeon plain and simple!
Now go and save some!
Tuesday, November 13
The Reason Sinners Live
Read the Ten Commandments, and pause at each one, and confess that you have broken it either in thought, or word, or deed. Remember that by a glance we may commit adultery, by a thought we may be guilty of murder, by a desire we may steal. Sin is any want of conformity to perfect holiness, and that want of conformity is justly chargeable upon every one of us. Yet the Lord does not, under the gospel dispensation, deal with us according to Law. He does not now sit on the throne of judgment, but He looks down upon us from the throne of grace. Not the iron rod, but the silver scepter, is held over us. The long-suffering of God rules the age, and Jesus the Mediator is the gracious Lord-lieutenant of the dispensation. Instead of destroying offending man from off the face of the earth, the Lord comes near to us in loving condescension, and pleads with us by His Spirit, saying, "You have sinned, but my Son has died. In him I am prepared to deal with you in a way of pure mercy and unmingled grace."
O sinner, the fact that you are alive proves that God is not dealing with you according to strict justice, but in patient forbearance; every moment you live is another instance of omnipotent long-suffering. It is the sacrifice of Christ which arrests the axe of justice, which else must execute you. The barren tree is spared because the great Dresser of the vineyard, who bled on Calvary, intercedes and cries, "Let it alone this year also." O my hearer, it is through the shedding of the blood and the mediatorial reign of the Lord Jesus that you are at this moment on praying ground and pleading terms with God! Apart from the blood of atonement you would now be past hope, shut up for ever in the place of doom. But see how the great Father bears with you! He stands prepared to hear your prayer, to accept your confession of sin, to honor your faith, and to save you from your sin through the sacrifice of his dear Son[3].
Spurgeon Once Again!
O sinner, the fact that you are alive proves that God is not dealing with you according to strict justice, but in patient forbearance; every moment you live is another instance of omnipotent long-suffering. It is the sacrifice of Christ which arrests the axe of justice, which else must execute you. The barren tree is spared because the great Dresser of the vineyard, who bled on Calvary, intercedes and cries, "Let it alone this year also." O my hearer, it is through the shedding of the blood and the mediatorial reign of the Lord Jesus that you are at this moment on praying ground and pleading terms with God! Apart from the blood of atonement you would now be past hope, shut up for ever in the place of doom. But see how the great Father bears with you! He stands prepared to hear your prayer, to accept your confession of sin, to honor your faith, and to save you from your sin through the sacrifice of his dear Son[3].
Spurgeon Once Again!
Monday, November 12
Concern for the Lost
Herein is the folly of so many Christians, that, being wrapped up in the interest of their own salvation, and taken up with their own doubts and fears, they feel little care and they take little trouble for others. They never seem to empty themselves out into the world that is around them, and never seem to get into a world bigger than the homestead in which they live. But when a man begins to think about others, to care for others, to value the souls of others, then his thoughts of God get larger, then his consolations grow greater, and his spirit becomes more Godlike. A selfish Christianity, what shall I call it but an unchristian Christianity, a solecism in terms, a contradiction in its very essence: You do not find the men who are anxious after others so often troubled as those who give no thought except to themselves. Mr. Whitefield, in his diary, tells of his times of depression, but they are comparatively few; and when he is going from one; “pulpit-throne,” as he calls it, to another, and is preaching all day long, and is hearing the sobs and vies of sinners, and perhaps bearing the hootings and peltings of a mob; sitting down, as soon as he has done preaching in public, to finish up his letters, or to devote an hour to prayer, why, he has not time enough to get to desponding; he cannot afford space enough to be doubting his own interest in Christ. He is so engaged in his Master’s service, and has so much of the blessing of God upon it, that he goes right on without needing to stop Christian, may you get into the same delightful state, warm with love to Christ, fervent with zeal for the spread of his kingdom!
Spurgeon at his Best! Excerpt from "Spurgeon Gold".
I'll be back later today with some personal insight and encouragement!
Won, Les!
Spurgeon at his Best! Excerpt from "Spurgeon Gold".
I'll be back later today with some personal insight and encouragement!
Won, Les!
Sunday, November 11
The Place of Repentance by Ray Comfort & Conscience and the Law by Spurgeon
The Place of Repentance
Someone wrote to me deeply concerned that I had said that repentance can’t save us. It can’t. Moslems repent. That's the basis of their hope of salvation. It’s the same with many Catholics who have never been born again. They trust that their repentance is enough. But no good judge would let a devious criminal go simply because he said that he had turned from his crimes. The only thing that can save us is God's grace. Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus (see Ephesians 2:8-9). The way to partake of the grace of God is through repentance, but repentance doesn't save us. If it did, we wouldn't need a Savior. Think of it like this. A man is in a rowboat that’s about to go over Niagara Falls. Someone throws him a rope. He turns towards the rope, and then grabs it in faith. Will that save him? No. He turned. He took hold of the rope in faith. But if the person on the other end isn’t pulling on the rope, he’s still going over the falls.
God has thrown us a rope through the gospel. We turn in repentance and take hold of the Savior by faith. But it is the grace of God alone that saves us by drawing us to Himself (see Ephesians 2:8-9).
Posted by Ray Comfort on 10/29/2007 10:06:00 AM
Conscience and the Law
Conscience, when it is really awakened by the Law, confesses herself condemned, and ceases to uphold her plea of innocence. How can it be otherwise when the Law is so stern? Then, peradventure, the man will say, "I mean to do better in the future;" to which the Law replies, "What have I to do with that? It is already due that you should be perfect in the future; and if thou should be perfect, in what way would that wipe out your old offenses? You have only done what you ought to have done." But the man cries, "I do repent of having done wrong." "Ay," says the Law, "but I have nothing to do with repentance." There is no provision in the Ten Commands for repentance . Cursed is the man that breaks the Law; and that is all that the Law has to say to him. Over the top of Sinai there were flames exceeding bright, and a trumpet sounded exceeding loud, but there were no drops of the rain of pity there. Storm and tempest, thunderings and lightnings appalled the people, so that they trembled in the camp, and such must be the sights and sounds we witness as long as we are under the Law.
The Infamous Charles Haddon Spurgeon from his collection "Spurgeon Gold"
C'Ya Tom! See you Tomorrow!
Won, Les!
Someone wrote to me deeply concerned that I had said that repentance can’t save us. It can’t. Moslems repent. That's the basis of their hope of salvation. It’s the same with many Catholics who have never been born again. They trust that their repentance is enough. But no good judge would let a devious criminal go simply because he said that he had turned from his crimes. The only thing that can save us is God's grace. Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus (see Ephesians 2:8-9). The way to partake of the grace of God is through repentance, but repentance doesn't save us. If it did, we wouldn't need a Savior. Think of it like this. A man is in a rowboat that’s about to go over Niagara Falls. Someone throws him a rope. He turns towards the rope, and then grabs it in faith. Will that save him? No. He turned. He took hold of the rope in faith. But if the person on the other end isn’t pulling on the rope, he’s still going over the falls.
God has thrown us a rope through the gospel. We turn in repentance and take hold of the Savior by faith. But it is the grace of God alone that saves us by drawing us to Himself (see Ephesians 2:8-9).
Posted by Ray Comfort on 10/29/2007 10:06:00 AM
Conscience and the Law
Conscience, when it is really awakened by the Law, confesses herself condemned, and ceases to uphold her plea of innocence. How can it be otherwise when the Law is so stern? Then, peradventure, the man will say, "I mean to do better in the future;" to which the Law replies, "What have I to do with that? It is already due that you should be perfect in the future; and if thou should be perfect, in what way would that wipe out your old offenses? You have only done what you ought to have done." But the man cries, "I do repent of having done wrong." "Ay," says the Law, "but I have nothing to do with repentance." There is no provision in the Ten Commands for repentance . Cursed is the man that breaks the Law; and that is all that the Law has to say to him. Over the top of Sinai there were flames exceeding bright, and a trumpet sounded exceeding loud, but there were no drops of the rain of pity there. Storm and tempest, thunderings and lightnings appalled the people, so that they trembled in the camp, and such must be the sights and sounds we witness as long as we are under the Law.
The Infamous Charles Haddon Spurgeon from his collection "Spurgeon Gold"
C'Ya Tom! See you Tomorrow!
Won, Les!
Saturday, November 10
A Plea to the Lost
A just God condemns the impenitent sinner, and just men assent to the Divine sentence. See then, O you ungodly ones that are present today, you often think our company a great nuisance, and perhaps while I am preaching, my alarming words annoy you. Ah, we shall not annoy you long. Does your mother tease you when she bids you seek the Lord? She will not tease you long. When I bring home the judgment to come, is the subject obnoxious to you? I shall not ask your patience long. We shall be separated; if you go your way and follow after sin and wrath, there will come a dividing time, and O let me say to you, you would give worlds if you had them; you would give them if they were solid diamonds, to hear again the voice which now fatigues you, and to listen once more to those plaintive invitations which vex you and spoil your mirth. Ah, how would you bless God if he would let you come back again and have once more those Sabbaths which were so dull and dreary, and permit you to go up once more to the house of God which now perhaps is like a prison-house to your vain and frivolous spirits. O sirs, I say you may well have patience with us for a little time and bear with our importunities, for we shall not plague you much longer. We beseech you to come to Jesus; we would pluck you by your garments and beseech you to flee from the wrath to come; forgive us for being thus in earnest, for even if we should fail with you, you will soon escape the importunities of our love.
The Infamous Charles Haddon Spurgeon from his collection "Spurgeon Gold".
C'Ya soon!
The Infamous Charles Haddon Spurgeon from his collection "Spurgeon Gold".
C'Ya soon!
Wednesday, November 7
The Influence of Fear
I further believe, although certain persons deny it, that the influence of fear is to be exercised over the minds of men, and that it ought to operate upon the mind of the preacher himself. "Noah, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house." There was salvation for this world from perishing in the flood in the fears of Noah; and when a man gets to fear for others, so that his heart cries out, "They will perish, they will perish, they will sink to hell, they will be for ever banished from the presence of the Lord," and when this fear oppresses his soul, and weighs him down, and then drives him to go out and preach with tears, oh, then he will plead with men so as to prevail! Knowing the terror of the Lord, he will persuade men. To know the terror of the Lord is the means of teaching us to persuade, and not to speak harshly. Some have used the terrors of the Lord to terrify; but Paul used them to persuade.
Excerpt from Spurgeon Gold
Thought provoking yet very moving and true!!
Excerpt from Spurgeon Gold
Thought provoking yet very moving and true!!
Thursday, November 1
Two projects coming out within the next 3 weeks!! HotNess!
Here are two Albums that are coming out withing the next 3 weeks, I gotta say that these projects are gonna hot!! Please support, the links are here and you can pre-order these cd's!! Production on both of these cd's is gonna bananas!!
Sho Baraka On point doctrinally and Biblically!!

You can preorder Sho Baraka Here>>>
Phanatik Also on point doctrinally, this one right here is gonna be sick too!!
Both these artists are down with Cross Movement Records!!
Phanatik's E-card right here>>>
You can preorder Phanatik's here>>>
Lays Ya!
Sho Baraka On point doctrinally and Biblically!!
You can preorder Sho Baraka Here>>>
Phanatik Also on point doctrinally, this one right here is gonna be sick too!!
Both these artists are down with Cross Movement Records!!
Phanatik's E-card right here>>>
You can preorder Phanatik's here>>>
Lays Ya!
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