Check out this Girl she has been in the mainstrem limelight Spitting it For CHRIST!! Check it out!
You Just Lost One!!
Now the last rule for the last day of the Year!
Rule 10
Everybody have a Happy New Year!! Im praying for all my friends and family, and I hope you all have a safe celebration and be mindful of the things you engage in that arent pleasing to our LORD!! Accidents dont happen on purpose!!
Lately I been thinking about being a parent, more than ever. I was blessed with the gift of parenthood , I have two wonderful children that I dearly love. When I became a parent I willingly made the decision to take responsibility to raise and eventually be accountable to God for my children, and let me tell you that this is serious business. So serious that I see it this way, whatever I do that isnt beneficial to my kids, I ought not to engage in it. When we took on the choice to have our children, that God so graciously entrusted us with, I made the decision to set aside my pleasures, if they compromise the well being of our kids. For instance I will not expose my kids to Liquor (Beer, Wine, Alcohol, I dont drink anyway, I have been clean for ten years now) if I don't want them to drink when they become older. Dont get me wrong, if they decide to drink that is on them, however, I wont be responsible for exposing them to it. Besides that I believe that many of us will pass on to our children a mixed message, telling them one thing, and practicing another. Can you imagine how confusing that is to a child?? I know, that was the message that was relayed to me as a buck, "Dont Drink, its bad for you!" meanwhile the very same person telling me this is chugging away and appearing to enjoy themselves, and all along the kids in their mind is thinking like this "thats not good for me but its ok for my dad, my uncle, my grandpa, my cousin, not only that but it looks like that juice they are drinking tastes so good???" What a mixed message that is?? Confusing if you ask me. The holiday season makes me think of these things, but I struggle more than anything, cause I want to spend time with my family, but at the same time I dont want my kids to get a mixed message from people who "so call" love them. Smell me? See when we love someone we dont jeopardize them, and to me those kind of actions demonstrate love!!
I will talk more on this in the near future, but for now chew on this. It will truly be a serious day before God that day, giving an account for all that He has entrusted me with, and just to name a few: My wife, My Family, My Kids, Our finances, Our thoughts, our actions, and above all all, these things reflect my attitude towards God. This is where the rubber meets the road. Father Forgive me, and have MERCY on me LORD!!
Happy New Year once again!
I love ya all, Happy 2008!!
Sunday, December 30
Thursday, December 27
In Progress until the day I die! My wife and kids Pix!!
Today the 27 of December, I get up and I'm thinking about this walk I claim. As I think I wonder about perfection, and how we ought to strive daily to be like Christ, and how difficult it is to achieve this task. However, I ponder this question: Does God really require perfection? I have come to this conclusion, that while perfection is impossible to achieve as a human, the intention of my heart, though I fall daily, should be to strive daily to be like the perfect ONE! God knows all things and He judges our heart, and not our doings, yet our actions is a reflection and a by-product of who we are. We don't do right because in doing right we are rewarded. No, we do right because as a Christian doing right is our nature and therefore the fruit of what we bare. Scripture says in Matthew 7:20 "So then, you will know them by their fruits." Our fruit testifies of who we are, yet it can also be counterfeited, just because your fruit is Christ-worthy it doesn't mean that it's done with the focus and mind of Christ. This can become complicated, I dont want to get too in depth, however, everything we do must be done unto Christ, for His Glory, not

Just thoughts from yours truly
>>> Lester
New Music
Hey you know I been pushing Good Music for a while, if I reccommend it it's because it's Biblically sound, tight production, and Lyrical on point! So here are links for these artist I been endorsing for the past couple weeks!!
Cam's Album the Platform and J.R.'s Album Life by Stereo Dropped on December 26, 2007 you can cop it here!! CAM's "The Platform" and J.R.'s Life by Stereo for Mp3 downloads! And here for physical CD's Cam's Right Here and J.R.'s Right Here!
Rule 9
Reminding Men of Death by SPURGEON
Men have been helped to live by remembering that they must die.
Happy New Year!
Monday, December 24
Sorry, all the busyness got me caught up!! Here is Rule 8 and OUR GOD by CrossMovement!! Enjoy!
Our God!
Rule 8
Merry Christmas!! I hope ya all have a great day and remember to give CHRIST the Glory for all!! HE IS the REASON We CELEBRATE!! Christmas without CHRIST is just a MASS< BORING!! Be Blessed , safe and encouraged!
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." - Romans 1:20-22
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - C.S. Lewis
See ya soon!
Happy Birthday JESUS!! I LOVE YOU, Thank you for saving a wretch like me!
Rule 8
Merry Christmas!! I hope ya all have a great day and remember to give CHRIST the Glory for all!! HE IS the REASON We CELEBRATE!! Christmas without CHRIST is just a MASS< BORING!! Be Blessed , safe and encouraged!
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." - Romans 1:20-22
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - C.S. Lewis
See ya soon!
Happy Birthday JESUS!! I LOVE YOU, Thank you for saving a wretch like me!
Thursday, December 20
Early edition of tomorrow's posting! Rule 7 and of course Spurgeon!
Rule 7
Admission of Sin
Have I got a lost man here, Lost man! Lost woman! Where are you? Do you feel yourself to be lost? I am so glad of it; for there is remission by the blood-shedding. O sinner, are there tears in your eyes! Look through them. Do you see that Man in the garden? That Man sweats drops of blood for you. Do you see that Man on the cross? That Man was nailed there for you. Oh! if I could be nailed on a cross this morning for you all, I know what you would do: you would fall down and kiss my feet, and weep that I should have to die for you. But sinner, lost sinner, Jesus died for you — for you; and if He died for you, you cannot be lost. Christ died in vain for no one. Are you, then, a sinner? Are you convinced of sin because you believe not in Christ? I have authority to preach to you. Believe in his name and you cannot be lost. Do you say you are no sinner? Then I do not know that Christ died for you. Do you say that you have no sins to repent of? Then I have no Christ to preach to you. He did not come to save the righteous; He came to save the wicked. Are you wicked? Do you feel it? Are you lost? Do you known? Are you sinful? Will you confess it? ~Spurgeon
I'll be back with more!
See ya!
Admission of Sin
Have I got a lost man here, Lost man! Lost woman! Where are you? Do you feel yourself to be lost? I am so glad of it; for there is remission by the blood-shedding. O sinner, are there tears in your eyes! Look through them. Do you see that Man in the garden? That Man sweats drops of blood for you. Do you see that Man on the cross? That Man was nailed there for you. Oh! if I could be nailed on a cross this morning for you all, I know what you would do: you would fall down and kiss my feet, and weep that I should have to die for you. But sinner, lost sinner, Jesus died for you — for you; and if He died for you, you cannot be lost. Christ died in vain for no one. Are you, then, a sinner? Are you convinced of sin because you believe not in Christ? I have authority to preach to you. Believe in his name and you cannot be lost. Do you say you are no sinner? Then I do not know that Christ died for you. Do you say that you have no sins to repent of? Then I have no Christ to preach to you. He did not come to save the righteous; He came to save the wicked. Are you wicked? Do you feel it? Are you lost? Do you known? Are you sinful? Will you confess it? ~Spurgeon
I'll be back with more!
See ya!
Sorry I was so busy I didnt Post Yesterday!! Here's Rule 6!! Linus knows what Christmas is about, what happened to the World we live in TODAY???
Rule 6
Here's Linus with an accurate definition of What Christmas is all about??
What happened to this kind of representation of the Gospel?? Why have we resorted to such a time where we cant even saw Jesus?? Charlie Brown cartoons were more bold and blunt than our average Believer today?? Think about that, and in the meantime make sure that if you have kids you buy him/her a copy of It's a CHarlie Brown Christmas. The funny thing is that they still show this on TV and they dont edit Linus' scene?? Hmmm, makes me think!
Some Spurgeon on Open Air Preaching for ya!!
Open Air Preaching
The [street] preachers needed to have faces set like flints, and so indeed they had. John Furz says, "As soon as I began to preach, a man came forward and presented a gun at my face; swearing that he would blow my brains out if I spoke another word. However, I continued speaking and he continued swearing, sometimes putting the muzzle of the gun to my mouth, sometimes against my ear. While we were singing the last hymn, he got behind me, fired the gun, and burned off part of my hair."
After this, my brethren, we ought never to speak of petty interruptions or annoyances. The proximity of a blunderbuss in the hands of a son of Belial is not very conducive to collected thought and clear utterance.
See ya !!
WON Hundred
Hey I added after the fact, I thought it was appropriate considering the times, and I know we all know someone who is in the military!! Enjoy and Pray for them!!
See ya again!
Here's Linus with an accurate definition of What Christmas is all about??
What happened to this kind of representation of the Gospel?? Why have we resorted to such a time where we cant even saw Jesus?? Charlie Brown cartoons were more bold and blunt than our average Believer today?? Think about that, and in the meantime make sure that if you have kids you buy him/her a copy of It's a CHarlie Brown Christmas. The funny thing is that they still show this on TV and they dont edit Linus' scene?? Hmmm, makes me think!
Some Spurgeon on Open Air Preaching for ya!!
Open Air Preaching
The [street] preachers needed to have faces set like flints, and so indeed they had. John Furz says, "As soon as I began to preach, a man came forward and presented a gun at my face; swearing that he would blow my brains out if I spoke another word. However, I continued speaking and he continued swearing, sometimes putting the muzzle of the gun to my mouth, sometimes against my ear. While we were singing the last hymn, he got behind me, fired the gun, and burned off part of my hair."
After this, my brethren, we ought never to speak of petty interruptions or annoyances. The proximity of a blunderbuss in the hands of a son of Belial is not very conducive to collected thought and clear utterance.
See ya !!
WON Hundred
Hey I added after the fact, I thought it was appropriate considering the times, and I know we all know someone who is in the military!! Enjoy and Pray for them!!
See ya again!
Tuesday, December 18
Rule 5 Commercial MTV is airing!! Pray!!!
Rule 5
Terrors of the Lord
Some have used the terrors of the Lord to terrify, but Paul used them to persuade. Spurgeon
Therefore proclaim the Good News of Christ, and the wonderful message of the CROSS in Boldness, Zeal and Fervor. Without ceasing pray, unashamed proclaim the GOSPEL!! Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Lester
What what!! See ya!
Terrors of the Lord
Some have used the terrors of the Lord to terrify, but Paul used them to persuade. Spurgeon
Therefore proclaim the Good News of Christ, and the wonderful message of the CROSS in Boldness, Zeal and Fervor. Without ceasing pray, unashamed proclaim the GOSPEL!! Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Lester
What what!! See ya!
Monday, December 17
Rule 4 the Commercial!!
Rule 4
I'll be back later today with more!
Im Back!!
Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Spurgeon:
Knowing the Word
If you wish to know God, you must know His Word. If you wish to perceive His power, you must see how He works by His Word. If you wish to know His purpose before it comes to pass, you can only discover it by His Word. Spurgeon
There's power in His Word, and we only need His Word, nothing else, give me a Bible and you have given me everything I need to live, or dont give me anything at all and i'll die lost!! Lester
See ya!
I'll be back later today with more!
Im Back!!
Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Spurgeon:
Knowing the Word
If you wish to know God, you must know His Word. If you wish to perceive His power, you must see how He works by His Word. If you wish to know His purpose before it comes to pass, you can only discover it by His Word. Spurgeon
There's power in His Word, and we only need His Word, nothing else, give me a Bible and you have given me everything I need to live, or dont give me anything at all and i'll die lost!! Lester
See ya!
Sunday, December 16
Three goodies for ya today!!
Rule 3
Actual Not A Slave Video by J.R.
Light and Fire by Spurgeon
Light and Fire
If people are to be saved by a message, it must contain at least some measure of knowledge. There must be light as well as fire.
Happy Sabbath!!
See ya, and don't get caught up with the commercialization of the Season, Remember JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON!!
LOVE YA, Believe it or not!!
Actual Not A Slave Video by J.R.
Light and Fire by Spurgeon
Light and Fire
If people are to be saved by a message, it must contain at least some measure of knowledge. There must be light as well as fire.
Happy Sabbath!!
See ya, and don't get caught up with the commercialization of the Season, Remember JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON!!
LOVE YA, Believe it or not!!
Saturday, December 15
Rule 2 Commercials MTV is airing, PRAY!!!
Rule 2
Here's Spurgeon, this is deep yet powerful!!
"If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for."
C. H. Spurgeon
In light of the second rule, Let's PRAY!
Thought you may want to listen to this it's entitled "Are you really Saved?" <<See ya tom!
Here's Spurgeon, this is deep yet powerful!!
"If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for."
C. H. Spurgeon
In light of the second rule, Let's PRAY!
Thought you may want to listen to this it's entitled "Are you really Saved?" <<
Friday, December 14
MTV is airing these commercials, absolutely awesome!!
Rule 1
These rules translate into the Commandments, Im a big fan of evangelism with the LAW! MTV is airing these commercials!!!
Tomorrow Rule 2
Talk to me!!
These rules translate into the Commandments, Im a big fan of evangelism with the LAW! MTV is airing these commercials!!!
Tomorrow Rule 2
Talk to me!!
Thursday, December 13
Real Sad, Sad times we living in...
I say that its sad time that we are living in because of this clip Im going to be posting, Im gonna say it blatantly and clearly HERESY!! I dont care if you that Im Judging, Im NOT!! this is staight LIES from the PIT of HELL!! Lets talk about this after you view the video!
Im afraid to post this vid, anyhow here it goes:
Now I have to add this video too, cause it just discuss me how Creflo can endorse this CRAP!!! Talk to me ya!!
This is what the Church has resorted to!! Lord have mercy on us, especially the so called Church!!
Talk to me, please comment!
The Irksome Task
We must school and train ourselves to deal personally with the unconverted. We must not excuse ourselves, but force ourselves to the irksome task until it becomes easy.
Im afraid to post this vid, anyhow here it goes:
Now I have to add this video too, cause it just discuss me how Creflo can endorse this CRAP!!! Talk to me ya!!
This is what the Church has resorted to!! Lord have mercy on us, especially the so called Church!!
Talk to me, please comment!
The Irksome Task
We must school and train ourselves to deal personally with the unconverted. We must not excuse ourselves, but force ourselves to the irksome task until it becomes easy.
Tuesday, December 11
...Got Rims, Got Whips, Got Ice...Still Broke HomeBoy...NO CHRIST!!!...
This song is one of my favs from Trip Lee It's called "Cash or Christ" featuring Lecrae, its an oldie but of course a goodie. It's recorded at a concert, check it out, enjoy, and consider buying Trip Lee's "If they only knew" Hot CD or Lecrae's "When the music stops" Sick! Visit their Ministry Reach Records site here and go to their store here if you wanna cop or go to here to buy Trip Lee or Here for Lecrae as a MP3 Download!
And now for a word from our favorite sponsor Mr. Spurgeon himself:
Reminding Men of Death
Men have been helped to live by remembering that they must die.
See ya soon!
Keep It Won Hundred!!
And now for a word from our favorite sponsor Mr. Spurgeon himself:
Reminding Men of Death
Men have been helped to live by remembering that they must die.
See ya soon!
Keep It Won Hundred!!
Sunday, December 9
Michelle Bonila Featuring Eric E "Paraiso"
Check this joint out my Boy Eric E from Sons of God featured on a Michelle Bonilla song on The Bobby Jones Show. Sounds cool!
Michelle Bonilla
Michelle Bonilla
Friday, December 7
How do you know you are saved? & Two hot community sites for HHH!
These are the community sites!
This is a clip of a preaching from one of my Favorite preachers, ask me his name and I will tell you!! But watch and listen to this clip it will challenge or make you laugh! I hope it makes you cry, repent and be challenged to step it up!
This is a clip of a preaching from one of my Favorite preachers, ask me his name and I will tell you!! But watch and listen to this clip it will challenge or make you laugh! I hope it makes you cry, repent and be challenged to step it up!
Thursday, December 6
J.R. Video Premiere for "Not A Slave":
Click here for J.R.'sPremiere of "Not A Slave"Video Dropped Today!
Hot Song, Hot Beats, Hot Message!!
C'ya Soon!
Won, Les
Hot Song, Hot Beats, Hot Message!!
C'ya Soon!
Won, Les
Lavosier Shooting some Knowledge with some...
You gotta see this video, real stuff with real kids!
I truly respect what Lavosier is doing here!
Won, Les
I truly respect what Lavosier is doing here!
Won, Les
Tuesday, December 4
As proud and carnal as ever & Ron Paul or Mike Huckabee for Prez!!
Im not into politics, but I cant ignore the events and happenings occurring nowadays with Obama, Hillary and Giulani. The truth of the matter is that we as Christians can't, Im gonna repeat CAN'T vote for these liberals that I just named, who are for Homosexual rights, Pro-Choice, Pro-Abortion, and more than anything afraid to offend people for the sake of VOTES!
There are a couple of candidates that we as Christians need to start doing research about:
1. Ron Paul
He is Pro Life, against the death penalty, and against the war.
Here is a video on Paul!
The funny things is that just because Giuliani was there for 911 he feels the need to defend the comment made by Ron Paul, which was called for, and he didnt step back and recant his comment, I gotta say that he is courageous for that, and took a blow for it, but Ron was on point!
2. Mike Huckabee
He is Pro Life, and - Before entering politics was a Baptist minister leading congregations in Pine Bluff and Texarkana, Arkansas.
You may not like the Baptists BUT this is the best choice for us CHRISTIANS, trust me!!
Here is video on Huck!
Both these guys are Christians and Devoted Christians, not just saying they are but they are devoted! So do your research on these two dudes, I am not one to push my views but when it comes to this matter I have to say that these two are the best picks! If I VOTE Im voting for Huckabee!
As proud and carnal as ever!
(Thomas Watson, "A Divine Cordial" 1663)
Grace changes the heart!
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corin. 5:17
The true Christian has a great change wrought. Not a change
of the faculties—but of the tendencies. He is altered from what
he was before. His body is the same—but not his mind. Oh
what a metamorphosis does grace make!
There is a change wrought in the UNDERSTANDING. Before,
there was ignorance—but now there is light. The first work of
God in the creation of the world was light—likewise it is in the
new creation. He now says, "I once was blind—but now I see!"
(John 9:25). He sees such evil in sin, and excellency in the ways
of God—as he never saw before! It is a marvelous light, because
it is more penetrating. Other light may shine upon the face—but
this light shines into the heart, and enlightens the conscience
(2 Cor. 4:6).
There is a change wrought in the WILL. The will, which before
opposed Christ—now embraces Him. The will, which was an iron
sinew against Christ—is now like melting wax, and readily receives
the stamp and impression of the Holy Spirit. The will now moves
heavenward—and carries all the affections along with it. The will
now says, "Lord, what will you have me to do?" (Acts 9:6). Before,
the will kept Christ out; now, it keeps sin out! Oh what a happy
change is wrought here!
There is a change wrought in the CONDUCT. He who is saved,
walks directly contrary to what he did before. He once walked
in envy and malice—now he walks in love! He once walked in
pride—now he walks in humility. In the heart there is a new
birth—and in the life there is a new conduct.
Thus we see what a mighty change grace makes.
How far are they from salvation, who never had any change!
They are the same today—as they were forty or fifty years ago.
They are as proud and carnal as ever! They have had no
change in their heart. Let not them think to leap out of the
harlot's lap (the world) into Abraham's bosom! They must
either have a gracious change while they live—or a cursed
change when they die!
There are a couple of candidates that we as Christians need to start doing research about:
1. Ron Paul
He is Pro Life, against the death penalty, and against the war.
Here is a video on Paul!
The funny things is that just because Giuliani was there for 911 he feels the need to defend the comment made by Ron Paul, which was called for, and he didnt step back and recant his comment, I gotta say that he is courageous for that, and took a blow for it, but Ron was on point!
2. Mike Huckabee
He is Pro Life, and - Before entering politics was a Baptist minister leading congregations in Pine Bluff and Texarkana, Arkansas.
You may not like the Baptists BUT this is the best choice for us CHRISTIANS, trust me!!
Here is video on Huck!
Both these guys are Christians and Devoted Christians, not just saying they are but they are devoted! So do your research on these two dudes, I am not one to push my views but when it comes to this matter I have to say that these two are the best picks! If I VOTE Im voting for Huckabee!
As proud and carnal as ever!
(Thomas Watson, "A Divine Cordial" 1663)
Grace changes the heart!
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corin. 5:17
The true Christian has a great change wrought. Not a change
of the faculties—but of the tendencies. He is altered from what
he was before. His body is the same—but not his mind. Oh
what a metamorphosis does grace make!
There is a change wrought in the UNDERSTANDING. Before,
there was ignorance—but now there is light. The first work of
God in the creation of the world was light—likewise it is in the
new creation. He now says, "I once was blind—but now I see!"
(John 9:25). He sees such evil in sin, and excellency in the ways
of God—as he never saw before! It is a marvelous light, because
it is more penetrating. Other light may shine upon the face—but
this light shines into the heart, and enlightens the conscience
(2 Cor. 4:6).
There is a change wrought in the WILL. The will, which before
opposed Christ—now embraces Him. The will, which was an iron
sinew against Christ—is now like melting wax, and readily receives
the stamp and impression of the Holy Spirit. The will now moves
heavenward—and carries all the affections along with it. The will
now says, "Lord, what will you have me to do?" (Acts 9:6). Before,
the will kept Christ out; now, it keeps sin out! Oh what a happy
change is wrought here!
There is a change wrought in the CONDUCT. He who is saved,
walks directly contrary to what he did before. He once walked
in envy and malice—now he walks in love! He once walked in
pride—now he walks in humility. In the heart there is a new
birth—and in the life there is a new conduct.
Thus we see what a mighty change grace makes.
How far are they from salvation, who never had any change!
They are the same today—as they were forty or fifty years ago.
They are as proud and carnal as ever! They have had no
change in their heart. Let not them think to leap out of the
harlot's lap (the world) into Abraham's bosom! They must
either have a gracious change while they live—or a cursed
change when they die!
Monday, December 3
R U concerned for the Lost?
Unconcern for the Lost
We need to be ashamed at the bare suspicion of unconcern.
I'll be back later!
We need to be ashamed at the bare suspicion of unconcern.
I'll be back later!
Sunday, December 2
Broken by the Law & Untermyer Park in Yonkers, NY
This park is in Y-Oh, the most beautiful park I have ever been to!
Broken by the Law by Spurgeon
Now, if you have your hearts broken up by the Law, you will find the heart is more deceitful than the devil. I can say this myself, I am very much afraid of mine, it is so bad. The heart is like a dark cellar, full of lizards, cockroaches, beetles, and all kinds of reptiles and insects, which in the dark we see not, but the Law takes down the shutters and lets in the light, and so we see the evil. Thus sin becoming apparent by the Law, it is written the Law makes the offense to abound.
Broken by the Law by Spurgeon
Now, if you have your hearts broken up by the Law, you will find the heart is more deceitful than the devil. I can say this myself, I am very much afraid of mine, it is so bad. The heart is like a dark cellar, full of lizards, cockroaches, beetles, and all kinds of reptiles and insects, which in the dark we see not, but the Law takes down the shutters and lets in the light, and so we see the evil. Thus sin becoming apparent by the Law, it is written the Law makes the offense to abound.
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