Thursday, January 24
An explanation of Election and "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" (Super Trailer)
All I can say after that is Thank You Jesus!!
Please watch this Trailer, its absolutely inpediment that we support such a cause as this, after all it represents the TRUTH!! It will exposed the worlds thinking and popular frame of thinking!! Its 7 minutes long, but well worth it!!
Please support this film, it will challenge and truly place things in Biblical perspective!
This is what I call DUMBING DOWN THE GOSPEL!! My question for you is "Do you think this is really necessary??" Teen are a lot brighter than this in my Opinion!! This is also condoning shows such as the spoof "Jerry Springer"! If you ask me this is terrible and just plain sacrilegious, borderline Blasphemy!
Watch it and Weep! Stick to the Gospel, Present it and and Invite! Dont bumb it down!
Jerry Stringer Show
And now for some Spurgeon!
Stubborn Sinners
There are men who cannot be convinced or persuaded; they doubt everything, and with closed teeth they resolve not to believe, though a man declare it to them. They are encased in the armor of prejudice, and they cannot be wounded with the sharpest arrows of argument, though they profess great openness to conviction. What is to be done with the numerous clan who are related to Mr. Obstinate? You might as well argue with an express-train as with Mr. Obstinate: he runs on, and will not stop, though a thousand should stand in his way. Will the words of God convince him? There are some in this place today of whom I should have said, if I had known them before their conversion, that it was a vain task to preach the gospel to them; they so much loved sin, and so utterly despised the things of God. Strangely enough, they were among the first to receive the Word of God when they came under the sound of it. It came to them in its native majesty, in the power of the Holy Ghost; it spoke with a commanding tone to their inmost heart; it threw open the doors that had long been shut up and rusted on their hinges, and Jesus entered to save and reign. These, who had defiantly brandished their weapons, threw them down and surrendered unconditionally to almighty love, willing believers in the Lord Jesus. Brethren, we have only to have faith in God’s Word, and speak it out straight, and we shall see proud rebels yielding. No mind is so desperately set on mischief, so resolutely opposed to Christ, that it cannot be made to bow before the power of the words of God. Oh that we used more the naked sword of the Spirit! I am afraid we keep this two-edged sword in a scabbard, and somewhat pride ourselves that the sheath is so elaborately adorned. What is the use of the sheath? The sword must be made bare, and we must fight with it, without attempting to garnish it. Tell forth the words of God. Omit neither the terrors of Sinai, nor the love-notes of Calvary. Proclaim the word with all fidelity, as you know it, and cry for the power of the Highest, and the most obstinate sinner out of Hell can be laid low by its means. The Holy Spirit uses the word of God: this is his one battering-ram with which he casts down the strongholds of sin and self in those human hearts with which he effectually deals. The Word of God will bear the tests furnished by the hardness of the natural heart, and it will by its operations prove its divine origin.
Wednesday, January 23
I couldnt resist posting this VIDEO!! Truly Sad!!
What a dilemma we have with Osteen, this is truly sad!
And to think that his Dad would not have stood in this same view! I garantee it!
Won, Les
Friday, January 18
This is what I call Missional Minded Brothers!! FLAME Our World Redeemed MARCH 4
This interview was taken from www.3HLIVE.COM !
You can Listen to Lecrae on my playlist right here Click on Catch me at the Brook:
Find more music like this on 3HLive
Recently, we had a chance to sit down with Reach Records recording artist "Lecrae", and ask him a few questions about his new experience being a father, husband, and about his success and experiences as a Holy Hip Hop artist this past year. Here's what the good brother had to say:
First off, congrats on the new baby! I'm sure the addition has been a blessing to you and your wife. If you can, tell us a little about your thoughts on being a new daddy.
I love it man. I work hard for a smile man. Making a complete fool of myself for a simple grin from him. Its also sobering cause he was born into sin and is hopeless without Jesus. So my wife and I pray for him daily.
With all the traveling, how have you managed to balance family time, with music ministry? Is there any time where family time has to take a backseat to "the ministry"? I know Paul Washer had some choice words for that notion. What's your take?
Man I have a system. First comes my the Glory of God in my home as a leader and a husband. Then comes my local body of believers, then evangelism and discipleship, and then music ministry. I would feel like a hypocrite if I was parading around the world promoting Jesus but neglecting his teachings in my own home and community.
What words of advice would you give to other young kats who want to do music ministry, but also have families?
I see music as a bridge into the culture. It is great for informing people in that particular culture or who are influenced by it about the Truth of Christ but the music in and of itself will never produce a mature believer. After The Music Stops will not equip someone to be an elder or deacon in the church. We hope to turn people in the direction of the scripture and authentic biblical community. We want to remind them that satisfaction is found in Christ alone, and make a big deal about Jesus.
Speaking of young people, how is your discipleship program doing in Memphis? Can you tell us a little bit about some of the things you are involved in there?
It's crazy man. The men in our church have a couple of programs going on and Reachlife has a set of things going on with other churches and ministries.
We are teaching young people to have biblical world views and think critically using scripture. Some of them can barely read but have great minds and are learning to see God's truth in the scriptures.
Also we are equipping leaders throughout the city with relevant but solid curriculum and training so they can implement discipleship programs in their churches and communities.
This past summer you spent some time in Africa I believe... What were you doing over there, and how was that experience?
Man I was there with Trip Lee doing some equipping and teaching in christian schools. We also did a forum on hip -hop. The culture is big there but the church is in opposition of Hip Hop due to a lot of legalism, false teachings. I was humbled there man. People live in conditions you cant imagine. What you see on television cant really demonstrate it. I was broken and moved to continue to see life in the light of scripture. Cause post modernism, secularism, materialism, and consumerism have influenced the American Church heavily and to see the Body of Christ in Africa , praising Him and living it out was both encouraging and humbling.
Now switching gears to music; we know that "Real Talk" was your debut album, and that obviously caught the attention of MANY people (including myself), but now with your sophomore release "After the Music Stops", it seems like Lecrae has become a household name. Tell us a little bit about how your success as an artist has affected you.
I don't really feel it man. I spend most of my time with people who don't pat me on the back and say "WOW, Lecrae you got a hot album!" They ask me how I'm treating my wife, or if I'm walking in integrity. I have no clue the true amount of albums I've sold because I don't want any impure motives. I don't even pocket royalties. That may seem dumb or naive to some but man I hold the music with a lose hand. I'm thankful for the platform but I don't want the platform to consume me. I want to be consumed with Christ. In light of Jesus I am so jacked up and undeserving man. To Him be the Glory.
Jesus Muzik. That video/record was HUGE. (I can't get my three sons to stop singing that song!) Tell us a little about how that song came about, and the impact the video had for your career as a Holy Hip Hop artist.
Man JR made the track and had a chorus idea about letting the world hear our Jesus music. He's so gifted man. But I just wanted to talk about distinction and while we look like, talk like, dress like anyone else we are in fact what the bible calls peculiar and strangers. I had no idea the song would blow up and people would sing it everywhere. But it inspired me toward making sure my next album is relevant.
Ok, now for a "REAL TALK" question! (No pun intended lol) Since starting Holy Culture Radio almost 5 years ago, I've noticed a lot of things concerning the music, artists, labels, etc. One thing I've noticed is that there seems to be a lack of unity in the genre. Some would say the differences that have seemed to keep certain artists from working with each other, boil down to nothing more than differences of philosophy in (music) ministry. What is your take on this is?
Man Paul writes that his desire is for the church to be of the "Same mind and same judgement" meaning we see the Bible as TOTAL TRUTH. Christ rules all areas of our lives. I am burdened to see brothers concerned with Christ and theocentric messages. Some artists don't even have an apologetic for what they want to do, they just act off instinct and what they think.
Many people involved in Holy Hip Hop get "funny" when you ask them about record sales, and I can see why many would. But to entities like ourselves (Holy Culture Radio, 3HLive/3Hmp3/3Hmobile), who's purpose is to provide platforms for artists to share their music with the world, we are interested in this type of information because it serves as a sort of indicator on where we are at and/or how many people are being reached by the music. Sooo, I have to ask you. A little birdy told me that your newest release "After the Music Stops", sold close to, or over, 100,000 copies. Is this true? If so, can you please tell the readers how you believe this happened?
Well I know HCR's true desire is see God glorified through a modern cultural platform. However in my experience many of the young believers get so much into the industry of music, charts, sales, and numbers that they get further away from seeing Jesus and his message lived out in every aspect of life. We don't really use our album sales as indicators of our reach at Reach. We implement training and rally people toward local churches and conferences like the Legacy in Chicago. We look at the fruit in peoples lives and the testimony of those who are discipling them. Numbers aren't evil and we are thankful that thousands of people are buying the cds. We need that. Still some people get drunk off their own grapes and instead of crediting the Lord they think they are hot. I run from that.
Can you tell us a little about Reach's relationship with Infinity Distribution? I've heard from numerous sources that they (infinity) have been extremely impressed by what the label has accomplished over last couple of releases. How will this play into future releases from Reach Records? Will we see your labels music in more stores across the country?
Man they have been very supportive of not just our music ministry but even finding ways to get our curriculum out as well. We do anticipate seeing projects in more stores in the future.
What can we expect from Lecrae and Reach in 08'?
New Music. A tour. Curriculum will finally be here. Helping with a Church plant. And Growing.
Ok, now its time for the quick "Get Ta Know - Lecrae" questions (note to lecrae, just quick one or two word answers)
Favorite Food – Chicken, greens, mac and cheese. Real country.
All Time Favorite Movie – That's hard....The Matrix.
Favorite All Time CD – Way too many to name. But I love Reggae more than any music on earth.
All Time Favorite Book (outside the Bible) – How Then Shall We Live: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and culture. Francis Shaffer
Favorite Sports Team – Dallas Mavericks
3 Most Visited Websites you frequent –
And last question…… One thing you'd never guess about Lecrae (example: I RULE at ping-pong, I sleep with a teddy bear, I used to rock a Michael Jackson style sparkly glove to elementary school, I have a pair of cowboy boots in my closet!…ect etc.)
I used to have Gold cap on my tooth. Lol. Country.
Well Lecrae, thanks for sitting' down with 3HLive and talking with us. Any last words? Shout outs?
Live to know God and Die to make Him known! Hit up and hit up
This interview was really awesome, Praise God for Reach Records!!
Tuesday, January 15
Monday, January 14
Trip Lee Interview HOT!!
Whats good ya!!
A long Spurgeon today, but like always a great read!!
Hope of Self-Salvation
How can such vain creatures be admitted among the glorified? Nor is this all; for sloth preys on many, and tempts them to shun God’s service, and especially to shun the cross of Christ. Sloth is a rust which has a sadly defiling power: we gather moth and mildew from inaction. Never is a man pure who is not zealous in the service of God. We rot to corruption if we lie still; how, then, shall we be admitted within the jeweled city? Ah, look within your heart, my brother — look steadily beneath the fair film of the surface, and mark the inward evil which it conceals. Judge not yourself alone when at your best, occupied with your prayers and praises and almsgivings, but look steadily into your soul at other times, and you shall see a loathsome mass of evil life, a seething corruption moving within your heart; for evil remains even in the regenerate; and this cannot enter Heaven. Thank God, it cannot. Even though the word of exclusion staggers me, and sends me back as with a stunning blow, and makes me cry, "You shut me out, my God, by this your decree;" yet I feel that if it be so, the decree is right, and just, and good. "There shall in no wise enter into it anything that defiles." Amen and amen.
Now, I ask you whether this word of exclusion does not, in you who know its meaning, slay all hope of self-salvation? For, first, here are our past sins, and they defile, an make us defiling. How are we to get rid of them? How can we washout these polluting blots? Tears! So much salt water thrown away if looked upon as a bath for sin! Good works performed! They are already due to God . How shall future discharge of debts repay the past? O, my God, if I have ever known what sin means, I have also known that it is impossible that its defiling nature should ever be changed, or that the pollution should ever be removed by any efforts of my own. I spoke with one the other day who said that she was seeking salvation by good works. I knew that she had performed self-denying acts of charity, and I asked her whether she felt nearer to the salvation at which she aimed. I knew that I spoke to a sincere, honest person, and her reply did not surprise me. She answered sadly, “The more I do, the more I feel I ought to do, and I am no nearer to the point I am aiming at.” And so it is; the more a sincere heart does seek to serve God, the more it feels the shortcoming of its service of Him; and the more a person seeks after purity by his own efforts, the further he judges himself to be from it. Our standard rises as we rise towards it; our conscience becomes tender in proportion as we obey it; and so, in the nature of things, rest of heart comes not in that manner. Ah, there remains not beneath Heaven anything that can wash out the defilement of past sin save one only cleansing flood. O sinful man, plunge your hands into the Atlantic and you shall crimson every drop of its tremendous waters and yet the stain shall be as scarlet as before. No, no, no: it is certain that no man can enter Heaven, by reason of his transgression and his sinfulness, except omnipotence shall cleanse him.
Thursday, January 10
Old CrossMovement Interview!!
See ya!
Sin Still Remembered by God
Come down from your high places and see the horrible pit in which you lie by nature. Think of your past lives, I pray you, of those days in which you found pleasure in walking after the flesh. I call on you to remember the sins of your youth, and your former transgressions of thought, word, and deed. If they are shut out who defile, and are defiled, where are you? where are you? For these sins of ours, though they were committed years ago, are none the less sinful today; they are as fresh to God as if we perpetrated them this very moment. You are still red-handed, O sinful man, though your crime was worked some twenty years ago. You are black, O sinner, still, though it be fifty years ago that your chief sin was committed; for time has no bleaching power upon a crimson sin. The guilt of an old offense is as fresh as though it were wrought but yester-morn.
See ya!
Tuesday, January 8
I love this commercial!! "I'm into nuggets yo..."
The Driving Power of the Gospel by Charles H. Spurgeon
God [has] appointed a day in which He will judge the world, and we sigh and cry until it shall end the reign of wickedness, and give rest to the oppressed. Brethren, we must preach the coming of the Lord, and preach it somewhat more than we have done, because it is the driving power of the gospel. Too many have kept back these truths, and thus the bone has been taken out of the arm of the gospel. Its point has been broken; its edge has been blunted. The doctrine of judgment to come is the power by which men are to be aroused. There is another life; the Lord will come a second time; judgment will arrive; the wrath of God will be revealed. Where this is not preached, I am bold to say the gospel is not preached.
It is absolutely necessary to the preaching of the gospel of Christ that men be warned as to what will happen if they continue in their sins. Ho, ho sir surgeon, you are too delicate to tell the man that he is ill! You hope to heal the sick without their knowing it. You therefore flatter them; and what happens? They laugh at you; they dance upon their own graves. At last they die! Your delicacy is cruelty; your flatteries are poisons; you are a murderer. Shall we keep men in a fool’s paradise? Shall we lull them into soft slumbers from which they will awake in Hell? Are we to become helpers of their damnation by our smooth speeches? In the name of God we will not.
See ya soon!
Monday, January 7
Hey Hey Hey, I had to post THIS!! A bit old but interesting!
Same preaching same theme!! Striping our Savior of His authority~
Now here is a different day, more heresy! Listen close, here the man says that we are "gods."
Judge for yourself!
Now it's your turn to comment. Comment here on the boards, down below after this posting!
I'll be back in the meantime, enjoy the tunes in my last posting!!
Thursday, January 3
An awesome phone conversation between a wise boy and a man!
This is my PlayList you can check this list frequently and play them from wherever you at! Enjoy!
Find more music like this on 3HLive
A friend forwarded this audio clip to us, and I thought it was worthy of posting!
Logan, The Sky Angel Cowboy!