The Sincerity of Prayer by Spurgeon
I told you, the other night, of a dear brother who said, when I exhorted my hearers to select somebody to pray for, that he had prayed for one person for twenty years, and that he is not converted yet. So I said to him, “Have you spoken to your friend personally about his soul? Have you made it your business to go down to his house, and tell him that you are anxious about him?” “No,” he replied, “I cannot say that I have done so.” “Well, then,” I asked, “do you expect God to hear prayers of that kind? Suppose I were to pray that it might be a good harvest over in that field, and yet, for twenty years, I did not sow any corn there; the probability is that, when I did sow some, I should get my prayers answered, and gather in the harvest.” If we pray for anything, God expects us to use the proper means of obtaining it; and if we neglect the means, we have no right to expect Him to believe in the sincerity of our prayer. If a father and mother pray for their children, but never pray with them, or speak to them personally about the welfare of their souls, they must not wonder if they are not brought to Christ.
Wednesday, April 30
Tuesday, April 22
The Hour of Death
The Hour of Death by Spurgeon
Lord, make me to know that I am so frail that I may die at any time, early morning, noon, night, midnight, cockcrow. I may die in any place; if I am in the house of sin, I may die there, if I am in the place of worship, I may die there. I may die in the street: I may die while undressing to-night. I may die in my sleep; die before I get to my work to-morrow morning. I may die in any occupation. But God grant I may never die a blasphemer. I may die with the cup of communion at my lips; I may die preaching; I may die singing. In all, grant I may die as I wish to die, doing your service for the love of Christ by the power of your spirit. Perhaps, as I stand here and readily speak, the arrow is on its way; soon may the hand He stretched, and dumb the mouth that lisps this faltering strain. Oh! may it never intrude upon an ill-spent hour, but find me wrapt in meditation, and hymning my great Creator, or serving my fellow-man with love to God, or in some way so laboring that it shall not come to me as a thief in the night, but shall find me watching, ready for His advent.
Won, C'YA!
Lord, make me to know that I am so frail that I may die at any time, early morning, noon, night, midnight, cockcrow. I may die in any place; if I am in the house of sin, I may die there, if I am in the place of worship, I may die there. I may die in the street: I may die while undressing to-night. I may die in my sleep; die before I get to my work to-morrow morning. I may die in any occupation. But God grant I may never die a blasphemer. I may die with the cup of communion at my lips; I may die preaching; I may die singing. In all, grant I may die as I wish to die, doing your service for the love of Christ by the power of your spirit. Perhaps, as I stand here and readily speak, the arrow is on its way; soon may the hand He stretched, and dumb the mouth that lisps this faltering strain. Oh! may it never intrude upon an ill-spent hour, but find me wrapt in meditation, and hymning my great Creator, or serving my fellow-man with love to God, or in some way so laboring that it shall not come to me as a thief in the night, but shall find me watching, ready for His advent.
Won, C'YA!
Thursday, April 17
This Quote is in my title, but I just wanted to reiterate this thought!!
"We must never assume the gospel. We must always assume that those we serve need to hear the gospel yet again. Any sermon we preach is incomplete and insufficient until we explicitly reference Christ and him crucified." - C.J. Mahaney
I believe this QUOTE 100%! If you don't, thats a problem!
I believe this QUOTE 100%! If you don't, thats a problem!
Wednesday, April 9
Dont get it twisted, this is what its all about!!
The Law's Power by Spurgeon
When once God the Holy Spirit applies the Law to the conscience, secret sins are dragged to light, little sins are magnified to their true size, and things apparently harmless become exceedingly sinful. Before that dread searcher of the hearts and trier of the reins makes His entrance into the soul, it appears righteous, just, lovely, and holy; but when He reveals the hidden evils, the scene is changed. Offenses which were once styled peccadilloes, trifles, freaks of youth, follies, indulgences, little slips, etc., then appear in their true color, as breaches of the Law of God, deserving condign punishment.
The depravity of man, embrace it cause it applies to you! C'ya!
Tuesday, April 8
This is not about whether I agree or not but...
*Disclaimer: The interviewer does use profanity while interviewing, and there other things that may offend us Christians, but please look beyond the man, and remember our depraved nature!
Bushwick Bill on
Bushwick Bill on
Thursday, April 3
What are you saved for?
Hey are you a Christian?
This kid could preach! This kid could PREACH!
Hey I'ma ask you again, Are you a Christian?
Difficult Doctrines by Spurgeon
I often get confused over doctrines that puzzle me. I see this to be true, and that to be true, but, how to reconcile the two I know not; then the thought of the daybreak comes in so comfortably. “What you know not now, you shall know hereafter.” Here it is not good for us to know all things. In some respects it is the glory of God to conceal Himself, and He may well say to us — "I have many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now.” But there it will be the glory of God to reveal himself, and it will also be to our benefit, our minds being then fortified and strengthened to receive, what we could not comprehend here below. Perhaps the glare of the divine light, if it comes to us here, even though tempered by the Mediator Himself, might be to much for these poor eyes of ours.
Father Help Me Lord! Help me!
This kid could preach! This kid could PREACH!
Hey I'ma ask you again, Are you a Christian?
Difficult Doctrines by Spurgeon
I often get confused over doctrines that puzzle me. I see this to be true, and that to be true, but, how to reconcile the two I know not; then the thought of the daybreak comes in so comfortably. “What you know not now, you shall know hereafter.” Here it is not good for us to know all things. In some respects it is the glory of God to conceal Himself, and He may well say to us — "I have many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now.” But there it will be the glory of God to reveal himself, and it will also be to our benefit, our minds being then fortified and strengthened to receive, what we could not comprehend here below. Perhaps the glare of the divine light, if it comes to us here, even though tempered by the Mediator Himself, might be to much for these poor eyes of ours.
Father Help Me Lord! Help me!
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