Wednesday, January 13

Pray for HAITI!!!

Wow, this earthquake may not be of such large proportions to California, but it's a different story in HAITI!!! For info follow this LINK, it's a blog from an American Missionary in HAITI who is blogging about the happenings.

For more information follow this LINK!

Let's Pray:

Lord, you are sovereign no matter what we go through, You never change, regardless of what is going on in our world, You and only You are worthy to be praise. Forgive us, teach us to be mindful of Your ever present presence, forgive us our iniquities. Father on behalf of those who are suffering now, due to this current event of the earthquake, please Lord have mercy on them, bring them to your saving grace and knowledge. Provide their needs, and place it in the hearts of those who can give to give, whatever it may be. Lord, I know many may doubt you for such an occurrence, but many will also come to know you because of this tragedy. You who knows all things, allow for your will to be magnified and forever You are praise. We love You Lord, be with all them victims of this natural disaster. Amen

C'Ya soon!

Pray... Our Lord Hears!

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