Today, Im gonna segway a bit, check it, to "some" I been really good lately, staying away from judgmental and critical postings, that isn't really me folks! I believe that as Christians we are called to judge each other in love, that is if you are and call yourself a Christian. See I have lost a lot of friends to this thinking, which by the way is a Biblically sound TRUTH, I will reference the verse a lil later, just keep reading. Allow me to continue, see when you love someone and they are error, you correct them, that is if you truly love that person, this is the same principle God applies to us as his chosen and elected ones!
Last night I saw this "so called Christian" movie named "To Save a Life." This movie is/was so wishy washy it is soooo sad to watch, granted there were valid and "real" situations in the movie, the liberty the writers/producers took to portray Christians and Christianity was and is extremely poor, terrible and absurd. Listen, what upsets me most is that I know Churches that operate in this manner, really. The Christian leadership portrayed in the movie was absolutely ridiculous, weak and comprimisers. Im not gonna get into details concerning the plot, I personally hate spoilers.
I will say the following, NO WHERE IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE WAS THE GOSPEL EVER PRESENTED, NO WHERE!! Yes, Im shouting!!! This stuff frustrates me, see the changing power of GOD is in the Gospel, besides God Himself intervening, However the Word, the Bible is His Word, and ultimate authority. GOD WILL NEVER, step out his word and contradict Himself for the sake of saving people. NEVER, the Bible says that God is no liar, and therefore He will NEVER defy His WORD!! PERIOD, no ifs, ands or buts! Secondly, the name of Jesus was only mentioned ONCE! Uno, 1! Mind you, this is supposedly a Christian film, yet they did comprimise with other nonsense, I will not mention them, watch the movie and you will see what Im talking about.
I think that this movie can teach us something, that is those of us who are seriously serious about this walk. Being good isn't the way to God, we respond to God in obedience, not because we do good deeds, or the "right thing" that we will inherit eternal life, no that is a wrong motive for doing the right thing. You ought to do the right thing because it honors God and pleases Him! You see we aren't saved by works, your deeds don't make you a better person, or more "Saved." Your deeds don't even bring you closer to God, OBEDIENCE does! Honoring Him Does! Praying does! But these things don't keep us "Saved." There is nothing we can do to "keep" salvation or stay "Saved." NOTHING, NADA, NADA, NADA! Eternal life is a Gift from God, he Chooses us, His Amazing Grace is what is being demonstrated here, not because we "deserve" it. NOOOO, sorry, According to Scripture if it wasn't for God taking the first step towards us, we would never turn to HIM!!! NEVER!! We would never trust Him with our lives! We don't have that ability naturally, God has to initiate this within us, then we can turn to Him and Trust Him!
As the ESV Study Bible states in the notes for
John 6:44, No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.
No one can come to me means “no one is able to come to me” (Greek. dynamai means “to be able”). This implies that no human being in the world, on his own, has the moral and spiritual ability to come to Christ unless God the Father draws him, that is, gives him the desire and inclination to come and the ability to place trust in Christ!
I know this isn't easy for all to grasp, but this is Scripture, and I'm only pointing out one of the many verses that insinuate this concept, therefore TRUTH!
My point in all this? Trust that the Bible is sufficient and that people truly are saved when they place their trust in God, because He has begun a good thing in them. Not because of your wonderful presentation of what Christianity is about, or lack there of the Gospel, remember relentlessly Preach Christ and Him Crucified, for this is the Crux of our message, Preach the full Gospel, not just your testimony. Preach the full counsel of GOD!! Don't rely on yourself, if you do, then you might as well quit, cause you aren't winning people to you, you aren't making people "your" disciples, But Christ's Disciples! I was there, I once relied on my efforts to "win" some, don't get me wrong God is sovereign, he does as he pleases, and His GRACE abounds, but it sucks to rely on yourself, truthfully there really isn't any genuine fruit in it! False converts is what that creates, Rely on the MASTER, rely on the one who calls, and changes hearts, and brings people back from the DEAD!!
I was once dead, but thanks be to God, I am no longer on that path, Giod is hHis ultimate GRACE was merciful to me!
For those of you who say things such as "only God can judge me," here's that verse I mantioned that I was going to give you, here it goes:
For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”
(1 Corinthians 5:12-13 ESV)
Thats the Word of God, not my words, what do you think? I will get back to you soon, maybe in the next few days!
So for now, go check out that garbage of a movie, and learn what not to do!
Coming soon: Are we to judge those in the Church? Or is it true that God can only judge me?