Tuesday, December 29
Friday, December 25
Merry Christmas!!! Hey I luv the way this VIDEO is sync-ed with this song!!
Like the prophesy in the OT states in
Isaiah 9:6
"For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Now a for little treat, Peep this song:
Song - Ima Christian
Artist - HeeSun Lee, Seda, K-Drama & Ruslan (of theBreax)
Wednesday, December 23
Honestly, I Don't Know Much About This Rapper, but...
Download his mixtape >>>HERE!!!
My Waiver: I can't vouch for dude, I just heard the track thats on this Youtube, so proceed with caution!!!
Friday, December 18
Flame on HollaFestRadio, Johnny Hunt - No Not One!!! I luv this dude & Hazakim did it on that joint too!!
Hazakim - "No Not One" off of GrassRoots vol 2 This joint reminds me of a The Doors for some reason! Download this song alone >>>HERE!!!
Listen to song Here!!
This is a hot clip!! Im gonna hunt, no pun intended, this preaching down!!!
Johnny Hunt!
Monday, December 14
GrassRoots 2 Available now!! Download Link Here!!
So as an encore, Im posting the video again, but first the playlist:
Track List
1-Battle of the Ages // Hazakim
2-What’s Your Proof? // Stephen the Levite
3-Testify (Remix) // shai linne
4-I Do // Json
5-L.A.W. // Evangel
6-No Not One // Hazakim
7-The Choir // Stephen the Levite
8-I’m the One // shai linne
9-Who is He? feat. Lecrae // Json
10-Dedication // shai linne
11- feat. shai linne // Jas Knight
12-Alone (Bonus Mix) feat. Eric Westbrook // shai linne
“Woe is me if I do not preach the Gospel!”
Enjoy, I know I will!! C'Ya!
Sunday, December 13
Nice Vid, watcha think? Sound Gospel Presentation?
Lemme know your thoughts!!
C'ya later this week! Christmas is almost here, and the New Year is upon us! Lord, have your way!
Sola deo Gloria!
Tuesday, December 8
Our Life is Nothing BUT CHRIST is ALL!!! Check the Vid, nice job!
This song is entitle "To Live is CHRIST" by Trip Lee!
Another nice find is this video right here interviewing Sho Baraka!!
C'Ya real soon!!
Monday, December 7
A very nice Lecrae piece, created by Acquire the Fire!! Coming December 15, 2009 GRASSROOTS 2!!!
LampMode also has something dropping in December!! Check it here!! This project is gonna be SICK!! GrassRoots 2, if its anything like #1, Instant CLASSIC!!! Best part is that ITS GONNA BE FREE!!!
This project is gonna be FIRE!! Featuring Stephen, Shai, Hazakim, Json, Evangel and Lecrae!! Its gonna be flaming! By the way, there will be a few new and original tracks, however I believe this is somewhat of a Promo and Evangelistic effort, with some original tracks, remixed tracks and some that are on the artists previous projects! Regardless its gonna a nice give-away!
You'll be able to get it HERE!!!
You can get part 1 HERE!!! Part 1 featured Stephen the Levite, Shai Linne and TIMOTHY BRINDLE!!
C'Ya soon! Real Soon!
Wednesday, November 11
DJ Official's New Project EnterMission Crazy Line-Up, Classic 116!!!

So Official's dropping a compilation with many features, reminds me of classic Reach/116 stuff (which I love) here is the Album Artwork, the single and the Tracklisting. This single features LeCrae and Flame, song name is Show Off!! Enjoy see ya soon! Pray for the Brethren in general, we all need it! Oh almost forgot, there is going to be various versions of the project, check em out HERE and Pre-Order too!!
Click for full length listen of the song!
Show Off (ft. Lecrae & Flame) - DJ Official
There's some surprises on the project, that got me wondering (uh, 2/3's of ADF, hint hint) should be interesting, I hope this project isnt disappointing. the single is coo, but I'm looking forward to the Trip Lee, Evangel, Stephen the Levite, & Thi'sl appearances, def interesting!!
1. Enter The Mission - Dr. Eric Mason, DJ Official, R-Swift
2. Show Off - Lecrae & Flame
3. Use Me - Tedashii
4. Streets of New York - J.A.Z. & Magellen
5. Get Busy - Trip Lee
6. Go - H.G.A. & Tedashii
7. Not My Own - Stephen The Levite, Phanatik, Evangel
8. Love Fallen - Gems, Jahaziel, Benjah, Dillavou
9. Nothing Without You - JR & Lecrae
10. Chaos - Sho Baraka
11. Chisel Me - Thi'sl, Json, K-Drama, Tedashii
12. On My 116 - Lecrae, Tedashii, Sho Baraka, Trip Lee
13. Streets of Philadelphia - Mac The Doulos, Young Joshua, Ackdavis, R-Swift
14. Missio Dei - God's Servant
15. Forward Me - Cam
16. Outro (Thank You)
Album Artwork by Alex Medina (click on Pic to enlarge)

C'Ya, L
Saturday, October 31
Whats good? A little observation concerning Jin the MC, who happens to be a "Christian".
Anyways, back to my post, the reason I'm blogging, answering the "Why?" portion of your question , why Jin? Here it goes, Jin released a song and video claiming Christ, first the song right here:
So naturally I hear this, and I get excited, because Jin with all respect is a sick MC, I figured that this guy with the right guidance, discipleship and leadership can be an instrumental tool for the KINGDOM!
So then, He releases this video:
After watching this video it excites me even further, seems very sincere, and now Im believing that he is truly converted. He does an interview with DaSouth.com <<
So, a week or so later Jin drops this remix of a popular song by Drake, though I dont know the first thing about Drake, I hear he is the "next big thing" the name of the son is "The Best" listen here>>>
So now, Im stoked, though the song isnt the "best" Theological or Doctrinal, I see hope in Jin, and hopefully he hooks up with the right people, nah mean. I know that Flame has reached out tho him, I also am aware of other sound rappers and producers who have made contact with Jin.
Now, bring me to the latest concerning this progress, Jin releases a video a few days ago, Im not too sure about the details but accepts or challenges these freestyle battle mc's to a battle mid November in California. Here's the video:
So this is why, I mainly posted this blog today, is it possible to Battle and be a Christian? When you view the video, you get this sense of "cockiness" and "arrogance" from Jin, is that Christ-Like? I understand that this is the nature battling, but does this justify it? I mean is it safe to say that by saying he wants to battle two dudes on the same day, you assume that he is saying that whomever he battles first already caught the L? I know that Jin knows what to expect, and he may have a plan. I just hope he doesnt disappoint us, me? Im just tired of the likes such as Ma$e, DMX, KRS-ONE, R-Kelly, CoCo, and these other so called Christians who claim to follow Christ but their fruit as we see it says otherwise.
Jin, I am truly praying for you, I hope your conversion is genuine, dont compromise and remember to always seek HIS kingdom first, and all else shall follow.
Thank you for reading.
Sunday, October 25
1 Video and 1 song I'm digging, "Lost" and "Holy is HE"!
Now we got a response track, if you know Evangel, you know he isnt doing this for clout, fame or any hidden agendas. He is simply responding to Rakim's track "Holy are you", where Rakim is basically blaspheming throughout the whole song, and claiming god stature! Check this out, Im gonna post Rakim's version too, just for comparison purposes, though Im very hesitant to, forgive me if it offends anyone, but I feel it necessary to prove a point, and of course, in defense of the FAITH!!!
Here is Rakim's original, sorry once again!
Aight see later in the week! Holy are YOU, LORD GOD, LORD JESUS, LORD HOLY SPIRIT!! All GLORY TO YOU!!
Wednesday, October 21
I hate to put this up now, but I must!! C-Lite "No Tombstone" Video, MOVING!!
Check out C-Lite's SITE right here! He has a mix-tape available for free, peep it, its cool! The download link is in the MEDIA section of his site, under AUDIO!
C,Ya real soon!
Tuesday, October 20
In Memory of ENOCK RIP!!! Juan James we will miss your Gifting! But we shall see you again!! Hallelujah!!

In Memory of former CrossMovement Member Enock AKA Juan James. I will be posting various videos and songs where he is featured, this death hits me hard, he died on Saturday, from a unconfirmed Heart Attack, he was 35 years old, like me!!! I remember meeting Enock back 1998 or so, when he came to Fordham Manor Church in the Bronx, my home church at the time, and I have to honestly say that from all of the CrossMovement members which included Ambassador, Tonic, Cruz Cordero, TRU Life, Earthquake and Enock, the most memorable encounter was with Enock. Enock leaves behind a family, and many friends. You will be missed my brother, but the HOPE we have is that we shall meet again, so in a sense it is a celebration cause you with the Father, but its still shocking! Bruh, holla atcha later!!
On The Move - Enock
House Of Reps - Enock's Third!
The Cross Movement's House of Representatives Music Video from CMR Mourns the Passing of Juan J on Vimeo.
Montage and Mix of Enock's verses - This is nice right here!
Cypha the Next Day - Enock's First!
Know Me (Huh What!) - Enock's First! This right here is CLASSIC!!
Know Me (Huh What) REMIX - Enock's First
Introducin - Enock
Cruz Cordero Reflects On Enock!! Heart Felt!!
Some more Enock! Latest stuff!
Dre Marshall Remembering!
This will keep anyone busy for a few! Hey, life is truly short, lets do the work for the kingdom!! Keep shining for HIS Glory!! Live Life as if it were your LAST DAY, Today should be a good day to die, like Sho Baraka said!
Sunday, October 18
WOW, it's been a while!! Official Video for "GO HARD" by Lecrae
LECRAE:: GO HARD from Adamson.TV on Vimeo.
Check out LeCrae's Story too!
Lecrae Story from Adamson.TV on Vimeo.
Im Back, took a break since last post, but Im back!! More stuff coming soon, real soon!! A lot has happened since I last posted, now Im in school, werking and busy, busy, busy!!
Gotta go, but I will be back later this week!
Sunday, August 9
Yesterday was the Annual Hip Hop/Rap Event in the Bronx RapFest 2009. I had a great time of fellowship, music and family!! I got to meet many Brethren of the Faith, and also reconnect with many that I haven't seen in a long while!! The highlight of the day for me was meeting Timothy Brindle and Hazakim. I actually met with Hazakim the day prior at the airport, I was their ride, we hung out and they were truly a blessing to hang with!! Before I went to pick them up I had a car accident, not my fault at all, my car was totalled not exactly, but it was immobile!! Here are a few pictures from the event. To my Brother Brindle, it was truly a pleasure meeting you and hopefully in the future we can build!!
Thursday, August 6
Heaven for a Murderer? Is this Unconditional Election?

The frustrated loner who murdered three women at a suburban Pittsburgh gym before killing himself wrote a vile journal that revealed he planned the massacre for months - and "chickened out" on his first try.
Suicidal suspect George Sodini complained he'd had "no sex since July 1990" and blamed his parents, his siblings - even his preacher - for the fact that "girls and women don't even give me a second look ANYWHERE."
He placed a date of death - Aug. 4 - atop his Web site. He made it clear he didn't care who read his words.
"I will not be embarrassed [sic], because, well, I will be dead," he wrote in his final entry Friday. "Death lives!"
On Tuesday, Sodini strolled into an LA Fitness gym with four guns in a duffle bag and headed for a room where an aerobics class was underway.
Sodini pulled out two guns, both bought legally. Then he flipped off the lights and started shooting, police said.
Cops said he fired 35 times before turning a .45-caliber revolver on himself.
When it was over, three women were dead, nine others were injured and yet another disturbed gunman had etched his name in blood in the annals of American crime.
"He had no relationship with anyone at the club that we know of," local police Superintendent Charles Moffatt said. "He was hell bent on doing what he did."
Sodini's words confirm that. "Why do this? To young girls?" began his 4,610-word journal. "Just read below."
Sodini's first entry on Nov. 5, 2008, was a racist rant about President Obama and black men. The seeds of slaughter were sown in subsequent entries, where he complained about not having had a girlfriend "since 1984."
"Who knows why," he wrote. "I am not too ugly or too weird."
Sodini dismissed his dad as a "useless sperm donor." He raged against his "useless bully" brother. He called his mother "The Central Boss." He blasted his former pastor.
"This guy teaches (and convinced me) you can commit mass murder then still go to heaven," Sodini wrote.
***(My Note)***
Unconditional Election, this raises an absurd thinking on the truth that God chooses and elects, this man believed no matter what he does he can inherit eternity with God, was the murderer wrong or was his Pastor teaching a loose interpretation of Unconditional Election or justification???***
A software developer for a Pittsburgh law firm, Sodini also ripped a colleague, writing that the "worst people by far are the religious types."
***(My Note)***
I Agree, no comment***
Sodini first tried to commit mass murder at the gym on Jan. 6 but lost his nerve. He wrote about trying to calm himself by drinking or getting high.
"I just need to use common sense, can't drink and drive etc.," he wrote.
Then, on May 18, Sodini wrote that he "actually had a date today" with a woman he met on the bus. And yet, in the same entry, Sodini wrote he was "TOTALLY ALONE."
In his final hours, Sodini added to his site the name of a woman who "had my baby in early 1991." She appears to have died five years ago.
Addressing his readers, Sodini concluded, "Maybe all this will shed insight on why some people just cannot make things happen in their life."
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_world/2009/08/05/2009-08-05_gunman_in_pittsburgh_gym_massacre_george_sodini_planned_shooting_for_months_his.html#ixzz0NQ6JJdOH
This is definitely a slap against the ever so increasing Reformed Movement, The Church!
Monday, July 27
Mont Lawn Camp - I LUV THIS PLACE
> We went to the Poconos for vacation, we originally had plans to go
> to New Hampshire, those plans fell through! However, we were able to
> get a house in the Poconos for the time we originally planned. We
> are still here and we are having a wonderful time, it's nothing
> ridiculous but I am surely having a better time than when I went to
> the Bahamas, Florida, and other places. I love the country, I love
> the simplicity of just living on bare essentials. I don't like the
> hustling and bustling while on vacation, I live in NY there is
> enough of that at home! While here we visited Mont Lawn Camp, where
> I worked at for 3 years, what an awesome place, this chapel is on
> the camp grounds truly a beautiful place!
> Thank you Lord for the opportunity to relax with family and in Your
> presence! Tomorrow we go back home and honestly I don't want to go
> back, but that is just how I feel, and it's not that I'm not content
> with home, it's just that it's so relaxing and less strenuous on
> vacation! But Lord I am thankful for all that you have given us,
> thank you for this break!
Friday, July 3
Rainbows: A breath of fresh air!
C'Ya Lays
and His promise to Noah. Thank you
Lord! Forgive me!
Read the verses below!
Genesis 9: 8-17
8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, 9 “Behold, ch. 6:18; 8:20–22 ">zI establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, 10 and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth. 11 Isa. 54:9, 10 ">aI establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” 12 And God said, ch. 17:11 ">b“This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: 13 I have set Ezek. 1:28; [Rev. 4:3; 10:1] ">cmy bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, 15 [Lev. 26:42, 45; 1 Kgs. 8:23; Ezek. 16:60] ">dI will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16 When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember ch. 17:7, 13, 19 ">ethe everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” 17 God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.”
Tuesday, June 23
All I gotta say is MA$E You HERETIC!!
Watch this, this is a response to the video that follows right below!!
This dude is such a fake!!!
Now listen to this song, its tight concerning MASE!!!
C'ya Soon! More to come who shall I pick on next?? Any suggestions??
Tuesday, June 16
Interesting stuff &The state of so-called Gospel Music!!
This past weekend I got to see a bunch Christian Artists in Concert, it started with Reach Records "Dont Waste Your Life Tour" on Friday at Christian Tabernacle, my son and I went, it was a
We also went to Jones Beach on Saturday and Sunday for some FREE Concerts, we got to see Michelle Bonilla, P.O.D. (though I am not a fan of them), KUTLESS, Delirious, Jars of Clay, and The Dont Waste Your Life Team Again!! It was absolutely an awesome weekend, full of entertainment and Ministry!! My wife and daughter came out to the Jones Beach portion of the Concerts, and we had a great time, just like the old days!!
Moving Along...
I love the comparison my Bruh is doing here, he is on to something, I know a lot of people not gonna like what he got to say, however, The truth hurts, right?? Check it!!
This is Passion for Christ Ministries doing a great segment on the subject of Homosexuality!!
Check it!!
Tuesday, June 2
Few updates, news and interesting things!!!
First you gotta read this:
Man sues church over prayer session injuriesKNOXVILLE (WATE) -- A Sevier County man is suing his former church in South Knoxville, after he claims he was overcome by the spirit, fell backward and hit his head.
Matt Lincoln, 57, says pastors at Lakewind Church should have made sure someone caught him.
His attorney is asking for $2.5 million to cover medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering.
Read the rest here...
All Im gonna say is "god, you see what you did..." lol that is a joke with a lower case g!!
Voddie Baucham's daughter on the death of the doctor who performed abortions with no regret, very good posting on her part, please it in it's entirety, follow the link to her Blog!!
The Death of a Doctor My driving lessons are progressing nicely. Today, I drove to my eye appointment (got some new contact lenses, and went through the embarrassment of being unable to see the big "E" on the eye chart without my glasses) and back home again, making a stop at Walgreens ~I feel very accomplished, a fuzzy glow somewhat akin to the ecstasy a young child feels the first time she ties her shoes or writes her name. ;-)Read the rest here...
Thirdly and lastly...
This one is sad, upsetting and disturbing...
Read the proclamation here...
I know this man has a liberal and deceptive agenda, I been saying for a long time!
Anyways be back real soon!! With comments and follow up to these posts!
There are a few glitches on this post I will fix later, gotta go to werk!!
Friday, May 22
New Music!!
Cop it it drops on Tuesday you can find anywhere!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Congrats to my Boy Mitch on his new addition Lilly!!
Friday, May 1
What is the Gospel?
Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, came down from heaven to become a human being. His mission - to take care of the greatest need men have - to save them from the wrath of God. He did this by His perfect life, death and resurrection from the grave. He offers this salvation freely to every man - by commanding them to repent of their sins and believe into/upon Him as their only hope for salvation from that wrath.
Could Rob Bell have said that? I don't think so! Could he have been more ambiguous?? Of Course this whole Emergent Movement survives off Ambiguity!!
This is what I'm referring to >>> Read this Interview with Rob Bell!
Another day in the life of PAE!
Wednesday, April 22
Follow up to yesterdays post...
Perez is an idiot, Dr.White is right on!!
The following is a Blog posting from Voddie Baucham (who by the way is an awesome preacher) on the same isuue, read on...
Homosexual Marriage Agenda Infects Miss USA Pageant
Miss California, Carrie Prejean, walked into a trap set by homosexual marriage advocate Perez Hilton during the Miss USA Pageant. According to a report by the Daily Mail, Hilton, enraged by Prejean’s intolerance, called Prejean a “dumb b@*#h”. He went on to “describe [her] as having 'half a brain.' and said he would have stormed on the stage and ripped off her tiara if she had won.” Of course his actions would have fallen within the confines of the tolerance regime of the homosexual marriage movement because those who reject homosexual marriage are disqualified, and thus fair game for any acts of intolerance, discrimination, or even violence.
Let me say that I am no fan of the Miss USA Pageant (or beauty pageants in general). However, I think it is very important to see where all of this is going. According to people “in-the-know” Prejean, who was one of the favorites in the competition, ruined any chance of winning the crown when she failed to give the politically correct answer to Hilton’s question. Of course, the more fundamental question is why was HIlton there in the first place? What does a homosexual blogger have to do with a beauty pageant? He doesn’t even like girls. Supposedly, he is not attracted to women at all. What was he judging? Miss USA (unlike the Miss America pageant) has no “talent” portion of the competition. This pageant is pure soft porn sexploitation. So why was he there? Simple. He was there as a nod to the homosexual movement. He was there because when the homosexual community sneezes the entertainment industry catches a cold.
Prejean’s answer was cumbersome at best, but the gist of it was clear (you try giving a defense of marriage on the spot in front of lights, cameras, and thousands of people staring at your cleavage and legs through your provocative ball gown and trying their best to recall the mental image of your all-but-naked body gliding across the stage in the swimsuit segment of the competition):
'Well, I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage.'
She continued: 'And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman.
'No offence to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.'
Nevertheless, she got her point across, and Hilton was none too pleased. Unfortunately, anyone who works in corporate America (or the school system, or the government, etc., etc., etc.) knows this story all too well. Give the wrong answer on the homosexual marriage issue and there’s hell to pay. And of course, “hell hath no fury like a [LGBTQ] scorned.”
Disclaimer by Voddie:
For those of you who have been wondering why I’ve written so many posts on the homosexual marriage issue, allow me to explain. 1) This is a pivotal issue in the forefront of our current cultural debate, 2) the homosexual agenda has piggybacked on the Civil Rights movement and is using the black community as cover, thus requiring a response from black writers, thinkers and preachers who have not bought the lie, and 3) I am working on a book on the subject and have been overwhelmed by the avalanche of headline material. This issue truly is ubiquitous.
--End of Voddie's Post--
Ima repeat what I said before Perez you are an IDIOT!!! I truly hope God will have mercy on you and therefore grant you the gift of repentance!!
Tuesday, April 21
Our World Fallen!
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
With that said, its interesting the direction this world is going into, with Patterson on the verge of getting what he wants for same sex marriage here in NY, to a President with the same agenda, even though he said otherwise through the campaigning, interesting time ahead particularly for us Believers of Jesus Christ!!
And for the record, I believe marriage is between one man and one woman, and nothing else! If I offend you by my statement, dont ask me if I care cause I dont!
Coming soon The Death of Humanity!
Tuesday, April 14
This is what parenting is all about!! I luv it!
I commit these KIDS to the LORD daily, they are truly my Pride and Joy!
Proverbs 22:6
C'Ya soon!
Thats it for today!!
Thursday, April 9
He must obviously think that Larry King's audience are STUPID, or for that matter everyone that is!
Ima quote my man Lecrae here from Joyful Noise by Flame "I have heard a lot of words that have tickled many ears"
*EDIT* Somewhat a responce to Rick, form the Washer!!
This is soooo funny, Rick grow a backbone! Double minded man is unstable in all his ways...
Jus a rant!
Some more right here!!
The answer to the question is simply this, ALTAR CALLS NOT NECESSARY!!! NOT FOUND IN SCRIPTURE!!
Tuesday, April 7
A popular book...
My Pastor Bob Gianserra wrote a brief article in his BLOG concerning this book, and there is a video that further explains the falicy of this so called "fictional" book.
This book has infiltrated the Church BIG TIME, I cant believe how many "Christians" that I know own and love this book, but for the sake of a lack of knowledge many are being deceived!! I cannot stress the importance of studying, SCRIPTURE itself urges us to rightly divide the WORD of TRUTH!
2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,That is, one approved after being tested a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. But hey, supposedly I'm the one that's wrong and the majority is right, hence the idea that the majority can't be wrong, right? Sorry to burst bubbles but, that statement is truly wrong, remember narrow is the path to eternal salvation and broad is the road to destruction!
Matthew 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy is the way that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. We love to read many and many a books concerning "spiritual matters" but we hate to consider whether they are truly in line with Scripture, and the moment we point out errors we, excuse me in my case, me, I am being "judgmental" just because I compare and test everything to see if its in line, therefore I'm judgmental and critical, you know what I rather be safe then sorry. So when it comes to false teachers, preachers and ____________ (fill in the blank) I pass cause God has given us the ability to rationalize and to rightly divide His WORD!! So Mr. Bentley, Mr. Joyner, Mr. Hinn, Mr. Jakes, Mr. Pearson, Mrs. King, Mr. Jones later for ya, I pray that my Lord will have mercy on your soul, but as for me, I pass on ALL your heresy ya aint got nothing for me and my house!
So here's the link for my Pastor's BLOG!
Sunday, March 22
Classic performance by Shai, R-Swift and TIMOTHY BRINDLE!! Sermon; The Gifting of Ministry by Bob Gianserra
This must have been an awesome event, foreal! Enjoy!
Friday, March 13
Hey its time to drop the HAMMER!
Matthew 24:21-25
21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. 22 And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. 23 Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.
Culprit number 1
Watch this video of this so called "prophet" and his guise at "ministry"
Remember his claims:
* To Have Eaten From The Tree Of Life
* That Jesus Is Just An Angel Named “Wisdom”
* That He Has Spoken To The Dead
* That He Has More Power Than Any Of The Biblical Apostles
* That He Currently Has The Apostle Paul’s Apostolic Mantle
Now dont take my word for it, but like Scriptures advises us test everything through Scripture, if you have an issue HOLLA!
Culprit number 2
Bob Jones
Another self proclaimed "prophet', honestly these guys dont even deserve the capital P! For real! Peep it!
Heretics at their finest!
Listen if you call yourself a Christian and hold dear to these character, I would seriously, and I mean seriously question your relationship with GOD, use discernment, read your WORD, compare everything, and if anything these guys are saying doesnt line up> TOSS IT! Cause its garbage!
C'ya later!
Wednesday, March 11
What an awesome Sermon this past weekend: "A Life Worthy of the GOSPEL" Pastor Robert Gianserra
C'ya soon!
Thursday, March 5
Charles Finney: the Heretic!! Pt 2
But if you want to read the first part of this series CLICK HERE!!
CON'T Part 2
We will return to Finney's doctrine of justification, but it must be noted that it rests upon a denial of the doctrine of original sin. Held by both Roman Catholics and Protestants, this biblical teaching insists that we are all born into this world inheriting Adam's guilt and corruption. We are, therefore, in bondage to a sinful nature. As someone has said, 'We sin because we're sinners': the condition of sin determines the acts of sin, rather than vice versa. But Finney followed Pelagius, the 5th-century heretic, who was condemned by more church councils than any other person in church history, in denying this doctrine.
Instead, Finney believed that human beings were capable of choosing whether they would be corrupt by nature or redeemed, referring to original sin as an 'anti-scriptural and nonsensical dogma' (p. 179). In clear terms, Finney denied the notion that human beings possess a sinful nature (ibid.). Therefore, if Adam leads us into sin, not by our inheriting his guilt and corruption, but by following his poor example, this leads logically to the view of Christ, the Second Adam, as saving by example. This is precisely where Finney takes it, in his explanation of the atonement.
The first thing we must note about the atonement, Finney says, is that Christ could not have died for anyone else's sins than his own. His obedience to the law and his perfect righteousness were sufficient to save him, but could not legally be accepted on behalf of others. That Finney's whole theology is driven by a passion for moral improvement is seen on this very point: 'If he [Christ] had obeyed the Law as our substitute, then why should our own return to personal obedience be insisted upon as a sine qua non of our salvation?' (p. 206). In other words, why would God insist that we save ourselves by our own obedience if Christ's work was sufficient? The reader should recall the words of St. Paul in this regard, 'I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.' It would seem that Finney's reply is one of agreement. The difference is, he has no difficulty believing both of those premises.
That is not entirely fair, of course, because Finney did believe that Christ died for something--not for someone--but for something. In other words, he died for a purpose, but not for people. The purpose of that death was to reassert God's moral government and to lead us to eternal life by example, as Adam's example excited us to sin. Why did Christ die? God knew that 'The atonement would present to creatures the highest possible motives to virtue. Example is the highest moral influence that can be exerted...If the benevolence manifested in the atonement does not subdue the selfishness of sinners, their case is hopeless' (p. 209). Therefore, we are not helpless sinners who need to be redeemed, but wayward sinners who need a demonstration of selflessness so moving that we will be excited to leave off selfishness. Not only did Finney believe that the 'moral influence' theory of the atonement was the chief way of understanding the cross; he explicitly denied the substitutionary atonement, which '...assumes that the atonement was a literal payment of a debt, which we have seen does not consist with the nature of the atonement...It is true, that the atonement, of itself, does not secure the salvation of anyone' (p. 217).
Then there is the matter of applying redemption. Throwing off the Calvinistic orthodoxy of the older Presbyterians and Congregationalists, Finney argued strenuously against the belief that the new birth is a divine gift, insisting that 'regeneration consists in the sinner changing his ultimate choice, intention, preference; or in changing from selfishness to love or benevolence,' as moved by the moral influence of Christ's moving example (p. 224). 'Original or constitutional sinfulness, physical regeneration, and all their kindred and resulting dogmas, are alike subversive of the gospel, and repulsive to the human intelligence' (p. 236).
Having nothing to do with original sin, a substitutionary atonement, and the supernatural character of the new birth, Finney proceeds to attack 'the article by which the church stands or falls'--justification by grace alone through faith alone.
The Protestant Reformers insisted, on the basis of clear biblical texts, that justification (in the Greek,'to declare righteous,' rather than 'to make righteous') was a forensic (i.e., 'legal') verdict. In other words, whereas Rome maintained that justification was a process of making a bad person better, the Reformers argued that it was a declaration or pronouncement that had someone else's righteousness (i.e., Christ's) as its basis. Therefore, it was a perfect, once-and-for-all verdict of right-standing at the beginning of the Christian life, not in the middle or at the end.
The key words in the evangelical doctrine are 'forensic' (meaning 'legal') and 'imputation' (crediting one's account, as opposed to the idea of 'infusion' of a righteousness within a person's soul). Knowing all of this, Finney declares,
But for sinners to be forensically pronounced just, is impossible and absurd...As we shall see, there are many conditions, while there is but one ground, of the justification of sinners...As has already been said, there can be no justification in a legal or forensic sense, but upon the ground of universal, perfect, and uninterrupted obedience to law. This is of course denied by those who hold that gospel justification, or the justification of penitent sinners, is of the nature of a forensic or judicial justification. They hold to the legal maxim that what a man does by another he does by himself, and therefore the law regards Christ's obedience as ours, on the ground that he obeyed for us.To this, Finney replies:
The doctrine of an imputed righteousness, or that Christ's obedience to the law was accounted as our obedience, is founded on a most false and nonsensical assumption.' After all, Christ's righteousness 'could do no more than justify himself. It can never be imputed to us...It was naturally impossible, then, for him to obey in our behalf.' This 'representing of the atonement as the ground of the sinner's justification has been a sad occasion of stumbling to many' (pp. 320-322).The view that faith is the sole condition of justification is 'the antinomian view,' Finney asserts. 'We shall see that perseverance in obedience to the end of life is also a condition of justification.' Furthermore, 'present sanctification, in the sense of present full consecration to God, is another condition...of justification. Some theologians have made justification a condition of sanctification, instead of making sanctification a condition of justification. But this we shall see is an erroneous view of the subject' (pp. 326-327). Each act of sin requires 'a fresh justification' (p. 331). Referring to 'the framers of the Westminster Confession of faith,' and their view of an imputed righteousness, Finney wonders, 'If this is not antinomianism, I know not what is' (p. 332). This legal business is unreasonable to Finney, so he concludes, 'I regard these dogmas as fabulous, and better befitting a romance than a system of theology' (p. 333). He concludes in this section against the Westminster Assembly:
The relations of the old school view of justification to their view of depravity is obvious. They hold, as we have seen, that the constitution in every faculty and part is sinful. Of course, a return to personal, present holiness, in the sense of entire conformity to the law, cannot with them be a condition of justification. They must have a justification while yet at least in some degree of sin. This must be brought about by imputed righteousness. The intellect revolts at a justification in sin. So a scheme is devised to divert the eye of the law and of the lawgiver from the sinner to his substitute, who has perfectly obeyed the law (p. 339).This he calls 'another gospel.' Insisting that Paul's rather realistic account of the Christian life in Romans 7 actually refers to the apostle's life before he had experienced 'entire sanctification,' Finney surpasses Wesley in arguing for the possibility of complete holiness in this life. John Wesley maintained that it is possible for a believer to attain full sanctification, but when he recognized that even the holiest Christians sin, he accommodated his theology to this simple empirical fact. He did this by saying that this experience of 'Christian perfection' was a matter of the heart, not of actions. In other words, a Christian may be perfected in love, so that love is now the sole motivation for one's actions, while occasionally making mistakes. Finney rejects this view and insists that justification is conditioned on complete and total perfection--that is, 'conformity to the law of God entire,' and not only is the believer capable of this; when he or she transgresses at any point, a fresh justification is required.
As the Princeton theologian B. B. Warfield pointed out so eloquently, there are two religions throughout history: Heathenism--of which Pelagianism is a religious expression--and supernatural redemption. And with Warfield and those who so seriously warned their brothers and sisters of these errors among Finney and his successors, we too must come to terms with the wildly heterodox strain in American Protestantism. With roots in Finney's revivalism, perhaps evangelical and liberal Protestantism are not that far apart after all. His 'New Measures,' like today's church growth movement, made human choices and emotions the center of the church's ministry, ridiculed theology, and replaced the preaching of Christ with the preaching of conversion.
It is upon Finney's naturalistic moralism that the Christian political and social crusades build their faith in humanity and its resources in self-salvation. Sounding not a little like a deist, Finney declared, 'There is nothing in religion beyond the ordinary powers of nature. It consists entirely in the right exercise of the powers of nature. It is just that, and nothing else. When mankind becomes truly religious, they are not enabled to put forth exertions which they were unable before to put forth. They only exert powers which they had before, in a different way, and use them for the glory of God' (emphasis in original). Thus, as the new birth is a natural phenomenon, so too a revival: 'A revival is not a miracle, nor dependent on a miracle, in any sense. It is a purely philosophical result of the right use of the constituted means--as much so as any other effect produced by the application of means.' The belief that the new birth and revival depend necessarily on divine activity is pernicious. 'No doctrine,' he says, 'is more dangerous than this to the prosperity of the Church, and nothing more absurd' (Revivals of Religion [Revell], pp. 4-5). When the leaders of the church growth movement claim that theology gets in the way of growth and insist that it does not matter what a particular church believes: growth is a matter of following the proper principles, they are displaying their debt to Finney. When leaders of the Vineyard movement praise this sub-Christian enterprise and the barking, roaring, screaming, laughing, and other strange phenomena on the basis that 'it works' and one must judge its truth by its fruit, they are following Finney, as well as the father of American pragmatism, William James, who declared that truth must be judged on the basis of 'its cash-value in experiential terms.'
Thus, in Finney's theology, God is not sovereign; man is not a sinner by nature; the atonement is not a true payment for sin; justification by imputation is insulting to reason and morality; the new birth is simply the effect of successful techniques, and revival is a natural result of clever campaigns. In his fresh introduction to the bicentennial edition of Finney's Systematic Theology, Harry Conn commends Finney's pragmatism: 'Many servants of our Lord should be diligently searching for a gospel that 'works,' and I am happy to state they can find it in this volume.' As Whitney R. Cross has carefully documented in The Burned-Over District: The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York, 1800-1850 (Cornell University Press, 1950), the stretch of territory in which Finney's revivals were most frequent was also the cradle of the perfectionistic cults that plagued that century. A gospel that 'works' for zealous perfectionists one moment merely creates tomorrow's disillusioned and spent super-saints.
Needless to say, Finney's message is radically different from the evangelical faith, as is the basic orientation of the movements we see around us today the bear his imprint: revivalism (or its modern label, 'the church growth movement'), Pentecostal perfectionism and emotionalism, political triumphalism based on the ideal of 'Christian America,' and the anti-intellectual, anti-doctrinal tendencies of American evangelicalism and fundamentalism. It was through the 'Higher Life Movement' of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that Finney's perfectionism came to dominate the fledgling Dispensationalist movement through the auspices of Lewis Sperry Chafer, founder of Dallas Seminary and author of He That Is Spiritual. Finney, of course, is not solely responsible; he is more a product than a producer. Nevertheless, the influence he exercised and continues to exercise to this day is pervasive.
Not only did the revivalist abandon the material principle of the Reformation (justification), making him a renegade against evangelical Christianity; he repudiated doctrines, such as original sin and the substitutionary atonement, that have been embraced by Roman Catholics and Protestants alike. Therefore, Finney is not merely an Arminian, but a Pelagian. He is not only an enemy of evangelical Protestantism, but of historic Christianity of the broadest sort.
I do not point these things out with relish, as if to cheerfully denounce the heroes of American evangelicals. Nevertheless, it is always best, when one has lost something valuable, to retrace one's steps in order to determine when and where one last had it in his or her possession. That is the purpose of this exercise, to face with some honesty the serious departure from biblical Christianity that occurred through American revivalism. For until we address this shift, we will perpetuate a distorted and dangerous course. Of one thing Finney was absolutely correct: The Gospel held by the Westminster divines whom he attacked directly, and indeed held by the whole company of evangelicals, is 'another gospel' in distinction from the one proclaimed by Charles Finney. The question of our moment is, With which gospel will we side?
Unless otherwise specified, all quotes are from Charles G. Finney, Finney's Systematic Theology (Bethany, 1976).
Here's another Video concerning Alter Calls and Finney!
C'ya real soon!