Wednesday, February 20

The Conscience

Charles Darwin said this "To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." and to think that evolution and atheism's founder said this, what does it tell you about their followers??

I just added a new feature unto my Blog, if you look to the right you will now see a jukebox with some of songs that are in constant rotation in my MP3 in the car!! Listen to them, if you like to support you can purchase digitally on the link right below the jukebox or here>>>!
Also visit my recommended site links right below the jukebox, there are a couple of new sites My friend Tom's Blog Grace DownLoad, CJ Mahaney's Sovereign Grace, RC Sproul's Ligonier Ministries and many other sites! I wont steer you in the wrong direction for sure, so check all the links when you get a chance!!

The Conscience by Spurgeon!

We love because He first loved us. Brethren, I was ready to perish under a sense of sin, I was all but damned. I felt the wrath of God surging in my soul like a sea of fire, I found no relief or comfort. Even the Word of God did not cheer me. They told me of believing in Jesus; but till I learned that this Jesus was God’s great appointed sacrifice for sin I saw nothing in Him to cheer me. When I learned that He had borne the penalty and satisfied justice, then I found out the glorious secret, and my conscience was at rest. Conscience within us reflects, as in a mirror, the facts of the case as God sees them. God causes an awakened conscience to require that which his justice requires. The demand of the conscience is the echo of the demand of the divine government. Conscience requires atonement because the necessity of the case and the nature of God require it. When I learned that there was such an atonement provided, oh, then I rested most sweetly! I wish you all did so. You that have no atoning sacrifice to plead, how can you bear the weight of your sins? What will you do with them when the death-damp is on your brows? You for whom, according to your own creed, no debt was paid, no penalty endured, how will you answer Justice in her great and terrible day?

Have a great day, be challenged and Remember we gotta grow daily!

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